Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 10
Fairy ring is caused by more than 60 basidiomycete fungi, including those producing the familiar puffballs and toadstools. The rings result from the activities of these fungi growing radially through the thatch or soil, rather than from a direct parasitic relationship with the turfgrass.
Bermudagrass for Athletic Fields
Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 13
Large patch is a cool-season disease of warm-season grasses. Symptoms are most common when these grasses are either entering or coming out of dormancy.
Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 16
Necrotic ring spot is a destructive disease of Kentucky bluegrass, but may also occur on red fescue and annual bluegrass. The disease is particularly damaging to bluegrass.
Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 19
Spring dead spot is a destructive disease of common bermudagrass and bermudagrass hybrids throughout the northern range of its adaptation in the U.S.
Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 22
Yellow patch is a cool-season disease that occurs on bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens and sometimes on higher-gut Kentucky bluegrass.
Sewer Line Chemical Root Control (Category 5B)
Reviewed $40
This manual contains information that applicators must be familiar with to become a certified sewer line root control applicator.
Selecting Landscape Plants: Flowering Trees
Flowering trees add beauty and seasonal interest to the landscape. Many, including the popular flowering dogwood (Figure 1), have colorful or interesting fruits that may be edible or attractive to birds.
Managing Skunk Problems in Missouri
Controlling Snakes After a Storm or Flood
Snakes often become displaced after a storm or flooding event. As a result, many of these animals are seeking shelter and food in areas close to people. Read more to find out what to do when you encounter one.
Controlling Nuisance Woodpeckers
Tree Squirrels: Managing Habitat and Controlling Damage
Missouri is home to three species of tree squirrels. Visit our site for our Tree Squirrels: Managing Habitat and Controlling Damage guide.
Controlling Rodents After a Flood
Flooding displaces many rodents from their natural habitat. As a result, these animals are seeking areas that can provide food and shelter, such as homes, sheds, barns and other buildings.
Controlling Nuisance Moles
Moles often are a nuisance and can harm your plants. Visit our site to learn about Controlling Nuisance Moles.
Controlling Rats
Norway rats are stocky burrowing rodents that were unintentionally introduced into North America by settlers who arrived on ships from Europe. Also called brown rats or sewer rats, these destructive pests are found in and around towns and farms throughout Missouri. This guide provides information on how to recognize and manage a rat infestation.
Armadillos in Missouri: Techniques to Prevent and Control Damage
Armadillos are becoming more common in Missouri. Visit our site for our Armadillos in Missouri: Techniques to Prevent and Control Damage resource.
Controlling Nuisance Pigeons
Collection and Submission of Samples for Fish-Kill Investigation and Toxic-Substance Analysis
Fish kills occur in natural and cultured populations. They can be due to disease, poor water quality or a toxic substance. Fish kills represent emergencies, and producers must be prepared for them in advance. Learn more in this guide.
Assisting the Beef Cow at Calving Time
Six to 10 percent of all calves born in beef cow herds in the U.S. die at or soon after birth. About half of those deaths are due to calving difficulty (dystocia). The purpose of this guide is to acquaint cattle producers with calving management principles that will help minimize calf loss in their herds.
MyPlate for Adults — What's on Your Plate? (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase or as a downloadable PDF.
Controlling House Mice