Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 13


Brassicaceae (Mustard family) is one of the larger groups of plants in the state. Several plants within this family, such as yellow rocket and wild mustard, are common throughout Missouri.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 48


Several species of Vitaceae (Grape family) are commercially valuable to the state’s economy. Virginia creeper is one of the most common vining weeds encountered in undisturbed habitats.

Purchasing a Herd Boar for Commercial Swine Production


Ronald O. Bates
Department of Animal Sciences

Funding Incentives for Agroforestry in Missouri


Find government and private funding programs to finance practices such as alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian buffers, silvopasture and forest farming.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 16


Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle family) includes several species of honeysuckle, viburnum and elderberry.

Herd Management for Disease Prevention


Roderick C. Tubbs
Swine veterinarian
Commercial Agriculture Program

Jeanette L. Floss
College of Veterinary Medicine

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 19


Most of the members of Convolvulaceae (Morningglory family) are vining plants, including several common species of morningglories, bindweeds and the parasitic group of plants, dodders.

Optimizing Fertilizer Value of Manure from Slurry Hog Finishing Operations


See recommendations for applying manure on corn, soybeans or fescue. Learn how to maximize slurry manure’s value and assess its storage and application costs.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 22


The only two members of Dipsacaceae (Teasel family) that are known to occur in Missouri are cutleaf and common teasel.

Dust, Odor and Gas Control in Swine Finishing Barns Through Oil Sprinkling


Amy M. Schmidt
Extension Agricultural Engineer
Food Science and Engineering Unit
Commercial Agriculture Program

Albert J. Heber
Extension Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
Purdue University

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 25


The majority of Geraniaceae (Geranium family) plants present in Missouri are geraniums. There are at least five species known to occur in the state.

Weed Identification and Herbicide Injury Guide for Corn and Soybean

Reviewed $37

Weeds can significantly reduce corn and soybean yields. View photos of 141 weed species at different stages of development and learn to identify them in this publication. Also see photos and descriptions of symptoms for herbicide-injured plants.

Missouri Weed Seeds, Page 28


Besides being considered weedy plants, several members of Liliaceae (Lily family) are commonly cultivated. Such members include asparagus, yucca and many cultivars of daylilies.

Native Insect Pollinators and Their Habitats


Bruce Barrett
Division of Plant Sciences

James Quinn
Regional Horticulture Specialist

Richard Houseman
formerly of Division of Plant Sciences

Damon Hall
School of Natural Resources

Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Fertilizer in Missouri


Successful nitrogen management delivers enough nitrogen to crops to optimize yield and profitability while minimizing losses to water and air. Learn the best management practices from sound economic, production and environmental viewpoints in this guide.

Radiation Fact Sheet


Editor’s note
On 1/22/15, a web address was updated on this page and in the PDF.

Curt Emanuel
Extension Educator, Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service
Extension Disaster Education Network Radiological Education Team Member

Coping With Summer Heat


The heat of a Missouri summer not only can make for high utility bills, but also can be deadly. Here are some tips to help keep you comfortable, healthy and penny-wise.

Honey Bees as Pollinators, Their Habitats and Products


Learn about the honey bee, from its life cycle, to its various races, to its pest problems, the benefits it provides, and how we can aid its success in this University of Missouri Extension guide. Become a Master Pollinator Steward!

Squeezed by Rising Food Prices?


Small changes in your shopping habits can mean saving money at the grocery store. Check for tips on this page that can work for you and your family.

Conserving Missouri's Wild and Managed Pollinators


Pollinators are critically important for natural ecosystems and crop production. Learn why pollinators are crucial, the major threats confronting them, conservation steps being taken, and how you can help in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Challenges and Choices: Fit for Life


Editor's note
This webpage contains updated contact information at the end of the So get moving section that is outdated in the PDF version.

Amy C. Sigman
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition

Collective Bargaining 2: Behavioral Factors Influencing Union Bargaining Power - Page 3


Organizational behavior Organizational behavior

When individuals are brought together in any social setting, they may collectively evolve into one of several forms of social organization.

Collective Bargaining 2: Behavioral Factors Influencing Union Bargaining Power - Page 6


Building an effective bargaining committee Building an effective bargaining committee

The primary factors for the determination of who will serve on the bargaining committee are the constitution and by-laws of the orga

Collective Bargaining 2: Behavioral Factors Influencing Union Bargaining Power


Introduction Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022

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