Red Clover


Red clover is the most widely grown of all the true clovers. Visit our website today to learn more about red clovers.

How to Protect Yourself From Respiratory Hazards


David E. Baker, Brooke Ballenger and Rusty Lee
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Tips for Pony Pleasure Drivers


Sharon Makurat and Melvin Bradley
Department of Animal Sciences

Who hasn't had visions of driving or riding a pony? It is one of the easiest, most economical and most rewarding horse experiences you can have. A pony offers endless hours of companionship, experience, pleasure and peer recognition, both in casual pleasure use and in organized group activities.

Soybean Variety Selection


No one has yet developed a simple answer to the question of how to choose the best variety of soybean to grow, but it is the intent of this publication to present guidelines for choosing a variety for a given set of conditions.

Design Criteria for Bottom-Withdrawal (Lake-Cleaning) Spillway


David Rausch
USDA-ARS, Watershed Research Unit

Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Larry W. Caldwell
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Family Scene 13: Tips to Strengthen Families


Gail R. Carlson and M. Kathy Dothage
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

A series of 13 television spots and this publication are a joint project between the Missouri Cooperative Extension Service and KRCG-TV, Channel 13.

Establishing Birdsfoot Trefoil in Bluegrass Sod


Howell N. Wheaton
Department of Agronomy

Birdsfoot trefoil and Kentucky bluegrass will produce three times as much beef as unimproved bluegrass. Even heavily fertilized bluegrass will produce only 65 percent as much animal product as trefoil-bluegrass combination. See Table 1.

Culverts and Flood Gates


C. F. Cromwell, Jr. and Mark Peterson
Department of Agricultural Engineering

The tables in this publication may be used to find culvert and flood gate size for bottomland drainage up to 640 acres.

A formula frequently used for calculating drainage flow rates of cultivated areas from one to one hundred square miles area in the Midwest is:

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Analyzing Cropping Systems


D.D. Buchholz, L.E. Anderson, Z.R. Helsel, Harry C. Minor, C.J. Johannsen, J.H. Scott and Howell N. Wheaton
Department of Agronomy

Growth Stimulants (Implants)


Homer B. Sewell
Department of Animal Sciences

Implants increase the weaning weight of suckling calves and increase the rate and efficiency of gain of cattle fed growing and finishing rations.

Growth stimulants implanted beneath the skin in the middle third of the backside of the ear include Compudose, Ralgro, Synovex, STEER-oid, HEIFER-oid and Finaplex-S.

Beef Production Glossary: BIF Fact Sheet


This glossary lists terms and phrases beef producers should be familiar with.

Using Performance Data in Judging Classes: BIF Fact Sheet


Judging contests are an important educational tool. Someday young cattle producers will be faced with selection decisions that affect the profitability of their operations. This guide can be used to train youth interested in modern beef selection practices.1

Johne’s Disease or Paratuberculosis


David Weaver
College of Veterinary Medicine

Animal Handling Safety Considerations


Yet animal-related accidents cause numerous deaths and serious injuries each year. Removing hazards brings you one step closer to a safe work environment.

Getting Problem Cows Pregnant


H. Allen Garverick
Department of Dairy Sciences

Robert S. Youngquist
College of Veterinary Medicine

An average interval of 70 days from calving to first breeding and a high fertility rate are important to maximize efficiency in dairy herds. The results are more milk and calves at reduced cost.



Howell N. Wheaton
Department of Agronomy

Crownvetch, Coronilla varia L., is a cool season, hardy, perennial legume. It is not a true vetch, although it resembles common and hairy vetch. Crownvetch spreads from rhizomes and will form a dense cover. It has been used for soil stabilization and as an ornamental for many years.

Wood Stoves and Their Installation


David E. Baker
Department of Agricultural Engineering

How to Select Lubricating Oil for Farm Engines


Bill Hires
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Engine lubricating oil must perform several functions. It should:

The First Step Toward Waste Reduction: Industrial Waste Audits


John M. Amos
Engineering Specialist, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Recommendations for Aging Beef


The main reason for aging beef is to improve the tenderness and the flavor of the meat. Visit our site for recommendations for aging beef.

Feeding to Maximize Milk Solids


Richard J. Grant
Extension Dairy Specialist, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Preparing for an Emergency: Home Heating in an Emergency


At some time you may face a heating emergency. Visit our site for our Preparing for an Emergency: Home Heating in an Emergency guide.

How to Build a Compost Bin


Learn about five types of composting and how to build a composting bin. Worm and hemp composting, wire-mesh and snow-fence holding units, and wood and wire three-bin turning units are all covered in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Is Your Wiring System Safe and Energy Efficient?


Kenneth L. McFate and Fred M. Crawford
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Electricity is a safe and convenient source of energy for heat, light and power in your home and on your farm, provided it is distributed in correctly sized and properly protected conductors. Good wiring systems are safe and energy-efficient.

Using a Microwave Oven to Determine Moisture in Forages


Barry Steevens, Ron Belyea and Richard Crawford
Department of Animal Sciences

Harvesting and storing forage crops at the proper moisture is necessary to minimize forage losses and to maintain maximum nutritional value. But it is difficult to determine the moisture concentration of forage crops prior to ensiling or baling.

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