The following publications cover topics related to Swine Extension. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Composting Dead Swine
Teng Teeh Lim
Extension Agricultural Engineer, Food Systems and Bioengineering
Joseph Zulovich
Management and Care of the Herd Boar
Herd Health Programs for Swine Seedstock Production
This guide outlines good health practices for a seedstock swine herd. Preventive practices are emphasized. Specifics vary from herd to herd and are too individualized to address in this guide. Specifics should be worked out with the herd's veterinarian.
Funding Incentives for Agroforestry in Missouri
Find government and private funding programs to finance practices such as alley cropping, windbreaks, riparian buffers, silvopasture and forest farming.
Heritability and Its Use in Animal Breeding
Heritability has a large influence on livestock performance. Visit our website to learn about Heritability and Its Use in Animal Breeding.
Laboratory Analysis of Manure
Learn methods for obtaining and interpreting laboratory analyses of manure to make efficient use of fertilizer nutrients in the manure in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Generating Methane Gas From Manure
Did you know that you can generate methane gas from manure? Visit our site to learn about Generating Methane Gas From Manure.
Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female
The use of artificial insemination in the U.S has skyrocketed. Visit our website to view our Artificial Insemination in Swine: Breeding the Female article.
Optimizing Fertilizer Value of Manure from Slurry Hog Finishing Operations
See recommendations for applying manure on corn, soybeans or fescue. Learn how to maximize slurry manure’s value and assess its storage and application costs.
Antibiotics and Other Additives for Swine: Food Safety Considerations
The term antibiotic means "against life" or "destructive to life." An antibiotic is a natural compound synthesized by a living organism that inhibits the growth of another living organism.
Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Fertilizer in Missouri
Successful nitrogen management delivers enough nitrogen to crops to optimize yield and profitability while minimizing losses to water and air. Learn the best management practices from sound economic, production and environmental viewpoints in this guide.