Gardening boosts your immune system

We tend to think about our immune system more during the cooler months, as they coincide with cold and flu season. Research shows that gardening can naturally boost the immune system, making it a great way to stay healthy year-round. Three ways gardening helps our bodies fight off illness and infection are: 1. Increased movement

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month

September is Falls Prevention Awareness Month, a time to draw attention to risk of falls among older adults.

Exploring the benefits of MyPlate for Older Adults

March is National Nutrition Month, an annual education campaign highlighting the importance of making informative food choices and encouraging physical activity. An important resource available to support healthy eating habits is MyPlate; an evidence-based tool provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), offering a visual for balanced meals, applicable for those ages 2 years and older.

Y partnership keeps seniors connected

This month we feature Sue Robison, county engagement specialist in Carroll County, with Bret Lyon and Kathy Lock of the Carroll County YMCA.

Want a healthy independent lifestyle? There’s a class for that

An 8-week program to improve strength, balance, and flexibility for older adults, promoting independence and reducing fall risks. Learn more through this class.

Strength training for older adults

As we age, many of us start to worry about our ability to perform everyday tasks like putting groceries away, mowing the yard or sweeping the floor. Muscle mass diminishes with age, contributing to such concerns.

Do you know your cholesterol numbers?

It is important to be aware of cholesterol numbers because high cholesterol is one of the major controllable risk factors for coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke. There’s no better time than right now to know your numbers.When you get the results of your cholesterol blood test you should know your total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The desirable total cholesterol level is 200 mg/dL or below.

Active aging — Stay strong and stay healthy

When people talk about being physically active, many think of aerobic activities, but it is also about being strong. Getting the heart and lungs working to full capacity has great health benefits. Walking is perhaps the most common form of this type of exercise. When the weather permits, the walkers abound. But as a person ages, fear of falling may prevent him/her from getting out and moving.