Soil Testing Facilities
The Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory (SPTL) and Soil Health Assessment Center (SHAC) at the University of Missouri are pivotal in advancing soil and plant fertility and health research, offering essential analytical services to growers, researchers and conservationists.
The SPTL provides routine analyses of soil fertility, plant tissue and water quality, supporting effective nutrient management and crop productivity.
The SHAC specializes in comprehensive soil health evaluations, incorporating biological, chemical and physical assessments to promote sustainable land management practices.
Together, these soil testing facilities enhance evidence-based agricultural decision-making, environmental stewardship and long-term soil sustainability across Missouri and beyond. Additionally, both labs actively engage in education, research and outreach, equipping stakeholders with the knowledge and tools necessary for sustainable soil management and improved agricultural practices.

Soil Health Assessment Center (SHAC) tests/services
Packages include:
- Basic Soil Health Package
- Expanded Soil Health Package
- Soil Characterization Package
- EQIP Program Package
- SWCD/DNR Cover Crop Cost Share & Follow-Up
List of analysis services:
- Aggregate stability
- Bulk density
- Particle size by pipette (full and simplified)
- Percent organic matter
- Permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC)
- Total organic carbon
- Total carbon
- Total Inorganic carbon
- Potentially mineralizable nitrogen
- Total nitrogen
- pH
- Bray 1 phosphorus
- Cation exchange capacity (CEC)
- Effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC)
- Exchangeable bases (for both CEC and ECEC)
- Exchangeable aluminum
- Neutralizable acidity
- Soil respiration
- 1:2 Electroconductivity
- Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis
- Neutral lipid fatty acid (NLFA) analysis
- Mehlich 3 extractable elements (Ca, Mg, Na, K, Al, Fe)
- ACE protein
- Beta-glucosidase

Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory (SPTL) tests/services
Full list of services (order is by volume):
- Routine Soil Analysis
- Plant Analysis
- Water Analysis
- Environmental Analysis
- Manure Analysis
- Compost Analysis
- Greenhouse Analysis
- Nutrient/Fertilizer Analysis
- Forage Analysis
Routine soil analysis:
- Regular fertility analysis: pHs, NA, OM, Bray I-P, NH40Ac-Ca, Mg, K
- Bray 1-P or Bray II-P
- Mehlich III-P or Olson P
- pH (water) or pH (salt)
- Buffer pH (neutralizable acidity, NA) and pHs
- Sodium
- Zinc
- Zinc, iron, copper, manganese
- Nitrate-N
- Ammonium-N
- Nitrate-N and ammonium-N
- Sulfate-sulfur
- Hot water extractable-B
- Organic matter (OM, LOI)
- Particle size analysis (percent sand, silt and clay)
- Electrical conductivity
- Crop recommendations
Additional soil analysis:
- Total kjeldhal nitrogen (TKN)
- Inorganic – nitrogen (NO3-N and NH4-N)
- TKN and inorganic N and organic N
- Total phosphorus (TP)
- Total potassium (TK)
- Sodium absorption ratio (SAR) - Saturated Paste
- Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP)
- Exchangeable cations & base saturation percentage
- Cation exchange capacity (addition method)
- Cation exchange capacity (NH4OAc-distillation method)
- Total carbon (TC) by combustion
- Total nitrogen (TN) by combustion
- Total sulfur (TS) by combustion
- Total C and N by combustion
- Total C, N and S by combustion
- Potentially mineralizable N
- Saturated hydraulic conductivity (constant head permeability)