100-year-old sells farm after 'work, work, work'
CARROLLTON, Mo. – Centenarian Wilda Cox knows hard work. She’s built barns, lugged 110-pound cans of milk, picked and husked corn by hand and bucked hay bales.But Cox endured no harder day than Oct. 31, 2022, when she sold the farm that had been in her family for more than a century.
Money does grow on trees
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Money does grow on trees, says University of Missouri Extension natural resources specialist Sarah Havens. Just how much money depends in part on knowledge and planning by the landowner, Havens says. At the recent Pixels of Production conference for women in agriculture, Havens told participants how to improve profits and forest health. Pixels took the place of the annual Pearls of Production hands-on conference.

Chain saw chaps, protective gear help woodcutters avoid injury
COLUMBIA, Mo. – If you are looking for a holiday gift for anyone who owns a chain saw, consider chain saw safety chaps, said University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist and woodcutter Katie Kammler. "A $100 pair of chain saw chaps is well worth it when you compare it to the cost of a hospital emergency room visit," Kammler said. Conventional jeans or pants do not protect against chain saw injuries.