Virtual events | Event planning and implementation | Registration and customer service | Promotion and design | Financial management | Pre- and post-conference services

A woman attending a conference virtually from home. A man holding a mic in front of an in-person audience. People around a breakfast buffet. Conference attendees wearing masks.

Our office provides a full range of services which are customizable to your conference — whether being hosted on the University of Missouri campus or at any location worldwide.

Message us for more information or request services today.

Virtual events

The MU Conference Office has expertise and the technology platform to provide an engaging virtual educational experience that integrates the website and registration, as well as conference sessions and events. Just as in person events allow groups to share educational content, engage an audience, provide networking opportunities, and generate revenue by engaging sponsors, so do virtual and hybrid events. We would be happy to provide you a demo to showcase the virtual experience we can offer your attendees.

Learn More (PDF)

Event planning and implementation

  • Assist in evaluating conference facilities and securing reservations
  • Manage hotel and/or residence hall lodging
  • Facilitate committee meetings regarding logistics and planning
  • Plan, provide and manage audio-visual equipment on-site
  • Prepare and compile materials (nametags, folders, speaker handouts, certificates)
  • Contract catering staff, manage menus and determine special food needs
  • Coordinate parking and transportation needs
  • Manage facility arrangements and execute delivery of on-site services
  • Organize exhibitor space and vendor needs
  • Acquire bids, source and purchase conference supplies and attendee promotional items
  • Contact speakers regarding travel, reimbursements and audio-visual setup
  • Determine conference signage needs
  • Coordinate the conference social events, entertainment and tours

Registration and customer service

  • Develop suitable registration fees in coordination with budget
  • Respond promptly to phone and email inquiries
  • Register participants via secure online system, fax, phone or mail
  • Process credit card payments
  • Communicate regularly with participants
  • Provide registration confirmation and receipts
  • Contact and register exhibitors/vendors
  • Compile specialized registration data
  • Prepare nametags, schedules and meal tickets
  • Manage and staff on-site registration
  • Distribute materials on-site in a quick and efficient manner

Promotion and design

  • Plan, design and host conference website
  • Design print, web and email marketing pieces
  • Manage mailing lists and coordinate mailing sources
  • Create logo and conference identity (color, theme, etc.)
  • Produce and distribute proceedings, programs and participant materials
  • Coordinate with vendors to create signage, gifts and giveaways

Financial management

  • Develop realistic, comprehensive budget
  • Continuously review and oversee budget
  • Assist in grant management
  • Establish a line of spending with our office for expenses that can be paid at conclusion of conference with one payment
  • Negotiate and process contracts for speakers, facilities, goods and services
  • Manage and collect revenue according to university requirements (PCI Compliant)
  • Supply receipts to all registrants, sponsors and exhibitors
  • Pay direct and indirect expenses
  • Provide up-to-date, comprehensive, itemized financial reports

Pre- and post-conference services

  • Provide materials and information for Requests for Proposals (RFP) to host a conference
  • Coordinate online service for abstract collection and review
  • Collect and analyze evaluations and prepare a comprehensive report
  • Design and conduct surveys to identify the needs of target audience
  • Provide final roster of attendees
  • Facilitate the processing of continuing education units with appropriate providers
  • Prepare thank you letters to speakers and key event personnel