Any adult who supports conservation efforts, who is motivated to learn about the natural resources in their community and who wishes to share that knowledge with others, is welcome to volunteer.
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Volunteer service
Upon completing the initial training, volunteers are asked to contribute 40 hours of service in natural resource conservation projects that meet local conservation needs and that you help design. Service possibilities include assisting with plant and animal surveys, natural community restoration and demonstration native plant gardens, participating in a speakers bureau, giving school programs, assisting with outdoor skills training and more. Upon completion of the 40-hour Core-Training, conducting a minimum of 40 hours of volunteer service and participating in 8 hours of advanced training, volunteers are certified as Missouri Master Naturalists and will receive their first dragonfly pin.
During subsequent years, volunteers who provide at least 40 hours of qualified community service with chapter partners can earn service pins (maintaining certification requirements are described in the next section). The pins are limited editions of images of native Missouri plants and animals that are drawn by a Missouri Department of Conservation artist each year. Be sure to track volunteer and community hours that have been conducted during the calendar year and provide those to the appropriate contact within your chapter.
Maintaining your certification as a Missouri Master Naturalist
Each year Master Naturalists must complete a minimum of eight hours of approved advanced training and 40 hours of volunteer service to maintain their certification.
Every year that volunteers successfully complete these requirements, they are recognized by receiving the specially designed pin that is available only during that particular year.
You are encouraged to participate in advanced training and community service opportunities offered by your respective chapters.
Service Pins

The volunteer service pin for 2022 depicts a grass pink orchid

The regal fritillary butterfly is the image on the 2012 service pin.

2017 Volunteer service pin, the bumble bee