Each month the University of Missouri Extension Family Nutrition Education Program (FNEP) sends educational materials to food banks and pantries to share with clients. These educational materials include bi-fold cards with two seasonal recipes and a physical activity tip for the month, Can-Do Recipes fliers featuring recipes using canned foods, and tri-fold brochures with tips and recipes for using holiday leftovers. The target audience for this program is adults.
Samples of the items we send:

4x6-inch colored card contains 2 seasonal recipes and a physical activity idea.

4-page 8½ x 11-inch flier contains 5 recipes and cooking tips for commodity food items.

8½ x 3⅝-inch colored brochure contains 2-3 seasonal recipes for $10 or less. Includes a detachable grocery list and nutritional information.
Want to be added as a food pantry to our mailing list?
Contact the project coordinator: Tevin Uthlaut at muextfnpprojects@missouri.edu
Funded in part by USDA SNAP.
For more information, call MU Extension's Show Me Nutrition line at 1-888-515-0016.
Running out of money for food? Contact your local food stamp office or go online to https://mydss.mo.gov/food-assistance/food-stamp-program