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Vol. 6, Issue 4: Childcare Trends – March 10, 2025 (PDF)

Childcare graphic

On average, Missouri has roughly 4.6 available childcare slots for every 10 children under age five, down from 4.7 in January 2024. Between 2019-2023, Missouri’s childcare workforce declined by 18%. Reversing this trend, Missouri saw 4% growth in 2024 compared to 2020. In Missouri, the average annual cost of full-time care is $8,100—nearly 14% of a family’s median income.

Vol. 6, Issue 3: Food Access & Insecurity – Feb. 18, 2025 (PDF)

Food access and insecurity graphic

Missouri ranks better than a third of U.S. states in food access, measured by the number and proximity of area grocery stores, but lags behind the majority (65%). In 2021, 11.6% of Missouri households were food insecure, meaning they lacked access to adequate food due to financial or resource constraints.

Vol. 6, Issue 2: Social Capital in Friendship Connections – Jan. 27, 2025 (PDF)

Economic Connectiveness Measures Friendship Across Incomes map graphic

Social capital — the relationships between individuals — can create access to other forms of capital and support local economic development. Bonding ties, or the clustering of similar individuals, can foster trust, while bridging ties (connecting diverse individuals) can expand access to resources.

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