Recent issues

Vol. 6, Issue 1: Gross Domestic Product Trends – January 7, 2025 (PDF)

Missouri’s economy reached $430 billion in 2023, with real growth of 2.6% compared to the previous year.

Missouri’s economy reached $430 billion in 2023, with real growth of 2.6% compared to the previous year. This growth rate was slightly below the U.S. average of 2.9%, ranking Missouri 25th nationwide. Roughly 82% of the state’s 115 counties, including St. Louis City, grew their economies from 2022 to 2023. This is a significant improvement from 2021 to 2022, when only 37% of the state’s 115 counties grew their economies.

Vol. 5, Issue 15: Commuting Trends – December 9, 2024 (PDF)

Graph showing average one-way commute by census tract in Missouri

Commuting miles have changed little over the past decade but vary significantly based on workers’ locations and their home county’s economic structure. Lower-paid Missouri workers commute longer distances than employees earning higher wages. Residents in counties dependent on mining or farming employment, which make up a quarter of all Missouri counties, see the longest one-way commutes.

Vol. 5, Issue 14: Defense Contract Spending Trends – Nov. 18, 2024 (PDF)

Graph showing defense contracts performed by Missouri companies, per capita FY23

In fiscal year 2023 (FY, Sept. 2022 to Oct. 2023), Missouri received more than $13.3 billion from the Department of Defense (DoD), ranking 15th among states and accounting for 2.2% of total U.S. defense spending, or $2,152 per resident. Defense contracts comprised the majority of Missouri DoD spending (87%), totaling $11.6 billion and placing Missouri 11th in the nation for defense contract spending. Overall, DoD spending contributed 3.2% to Missouri’s GDP, ranking it 13th among states.

Vol. 5, Issue 13: Social Mobility – Oct. 28, 2024 (PDF)

Graph showing change in average income for children, by parental income

Findings from Opportunity Atlas reveal growing economic inequality, where the highest-income groups see the most benefit. Those born to the lowest 25% of earners in 1992 earned, on average, 7% less than counterparts born in 1978. Social mobility varies widely across the state, with some counties seeing average family income declines greater than 7%, while others report gains exceeding 15%.

Vol. 5, Issue 12: The Growing Impact of AI on the Workforce – Sept. 30, 2024 (PDF)

Graph showing percentage of businesses in Missouri and the U.S. that will use or believe they will use AI in the next six months

In May 2024, 6.1% of surveyed Missouri employers used AI. While a small percentage, that level is nearly double the share reported a year earlier (3.1%). Missouri AI-related job postings also showed modest levels, with 1.5% of ads seeking AI skills from March to August 2024. Most AI-related postings were for computer or math science occupations (44%), followed by business and financial operations specialists (9%).

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