A comprehensive study was completed by the University of Missouri to provide insight for future efforts to revitalize the Missouri dairy industry. These six publications were developed in January 2015 to provide stakeholders a foundation for educating the industry and developing a future action plan to revitalize this industry. Funding was provided by the Missouri Agricultural and Small Business Development Authority (MASBDA).

Revitalization Chart
Roadmap to Improve Missouri's Dairy Industry

Executive Summary

A comprehensive overview of the overall Missouri Dairy Industry Revitalization study

Section 1: Historical Perspective

Section 1 provides an in-depth discussion about Missouri's dairy industry historical trends concerning its dairy cow inventory, farms, production, prices, production economics and processing industry.

Section 2: Economic Contribution

Section 2 discusses what the economic contributions such as jobs, value-added and industry sales are from Missouri dairy farms and the Missouri dairy product manufacturing industry.

Section 3: Needs Assessment

A survey was conducted in fall 2014 to Missouri Grade A dairy farms and industry stakeholders. This survey was intended to gather their perspectives on producers' needs and characteristics of Missouri dairy farms. Section 3 provides a summary of all survey responses received.

Section 4: Value Chain, Marketing and Processing

Section 4 provides a discussion about dairy product demand and current opportunities to enhance the farmer's position in the value chain. Further processing opportunities and dairy niche marketing are discussed in this section.

Section 5: Comparative Analysis to Identify Gaps

What is the competiveness of Missouri's dairy industry versus other U.S. states? Section 5 seeks to create a common understanding of the Missouri dairy industry's competitive position, benchmark Missouri's dairy industry and environment against other states and look at ways that other states have attempted to revitalize their dairy industries.