Timely ag topics at free Aug. 8 event in Palmyra

PALMYRA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension specialists will give updates on timely topics in agriculture 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 8, in Palmyra. MU Extension field agronomist Nick Wesslak said topics at the free event will include diseases such as tar spot and red crown rot, drying and storage of late-planted corn, stockpiling fall forage, fall pasture weed control and frost-seeding legumes.

Japanese beetle numbers increasing in corn, soybean

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri corn and soybean growers are reporting growing numbers of Japanese beetles in crops in recent weeks, says University of Missouri Extension state entomologist Ivair Valmorbida. Valmorbida uses numbers from MU Extension’s Pest Monitoring Network, which gathers information from across the state

Tar spot growing in Missouri corn crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A yield-robbing corn disease, tar spot, is gaining ground in Missouri. Tar spot has been confirmed in 19 counties in 2024, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Mandy Bish. Corn growers in nearly half of the state’s counties have reported tar spot since Missouri’s first confirmed case in 2018.

Strip trials an effective way to test nitrogen rates on cornfields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – On-farm strip trials are an effective way for farmers to test their nitrogen fertilizer rate on corn. “A wet May has lots of farmers wondering about the nitrogen status of their corn crop,” said John Lory, University of Missouri Extension nutrient management specialist. “Wet conditions and warm soils can lead to nitrogen loss of fertilizer.”

MU Graves-Chapple Center compares corn, soybean tillage systems over decades

ROCK PORT, Mo. – Decades-long research on corn and soybean plots at the University of Missouri Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center in northwestern Missouri shows how tillage systems have affected yields. Four of the most common tillage systems were compared at Graves-Chapple in Rock Port: fall and spring disk; spring disk; no-till; and fall chisel and spring disk.

MU climatologist talks about drought impact on 2024 crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The annual University of Missouri Crop Management Conference, Dec. 6-7, will offer insight into how the 2023 drought will affect crops in the year ahead.MU Extension state climatologist Zack Leasor will give an update on weather and climate conditions that led to the onset and persistence of the 2023 drought across Missouri.

Cattle producers urged to watch for prussic acid poisoning

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension specialists urge producers to closely watch cattle grazing pastures with Johnson grass and other sorghum species.Cattle producers in several drought-stressed parts of Missouri have recently reported cattle deaths from suspected prussic acid or hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) poisoning, says Tim Evans, an MU Extension state specialist in animal health and veterinary toxicology.

Tar spot now confirmed in about a third of Missouri

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension state plant pathologist Mandy Bish says tar spot of corn has spread into many new counties in 2023.Bish recently confirmed tar spot in five more counties. This brings to 31 the number of Missouri counties in which tar spot has been confirmed between 2019 and 2023.

Cornstalks can fill forage gaps during drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Grazing cornstalks or drought-stricken corn can fill feed gaps during drought, says University of Missouri Extension beef nutritionist Eric Bailey.There are some nutritional concerns, and producers must commit to moving cattle to new pastures to successfully use cornstalks as feedstuff, but there are benefits.

Tar spot of corn confirmed in NE Missouri

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri’s Plant Diagnostic Clinic confirmed tar spot in three corn samples collected in the northeastern Missouri counties of Lewis and Holt on Aug. 30, according to Peng Tian, the clinic’s lab director.

Corn silage as a forage

COLUMBIA, Mo. – An emergency feeding situation is shaping up for Missouri’s beef producers because of the drought. University of Missouri Extension recently hosted University of Wisconsin agronomist Joe Lauer on the MU Extension Forage and Livestock Hour to discuss his research on corn silage as a forage.

Plants respond to heat differently than humans

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Extreme heat affects plants differently than humans.With triple-digit temperatures this summer, grain crop growers should understand how heat affects plants, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold.First, human concepts such as “heat index” or “feels like” do not apply to plants, Wiebold says. People and plants feel and react differently to heat.

Lack of rainfall during corn's R1 stage spells trouble

COLUMBIA, Mo. – One and one quarter inch. That’s how much rain corn plants need each week in July and August to maintain rapid growth and produce the best possible yields.Mother Nature has not been kind to Missouri’s corn crop this year, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold. One indication is the rapid expansion of trouble areas in the U.S. Drought Monitor, he says.

MU Extension guide helps farmers with replant decisions

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Challenging weather has forced Missouri farmers to make difficult decisions on whether to replant crops because of sparse stands or delayed planting.

Delayed planting can affect Missouri corn yields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Once again, wet soils have delayed corn planting throughout Missouri. The USDA’s May 2 Crop Progress and Condition report for the state shows that 27% of intended corn acres is planted – half the five-year average. Southeastern Missouri, the state’s earliest-planted region, has had the greatest delay in corn planting. 

Fall application increases risk of nitrogen loss for corn

COLUMBIA, Mo. – High nitrogen prices and concerns about fertilizer supplies have disrupted nitrogen management for the 2022 growing season.“For corn, there were many reports of anhydrous ammonia being applied earlier than normal and that more nitrogen was applied in the fall than normal,” said John Lory, University of Missouri Extension nutrient management specialist. “Nitrogen applied in November waits in the soil over six months…

Rain, heat increase risk of ponding

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Predicted temperatures in the low 90s the week of May 8 combined with intense or recurrent rainfall could result in damage to corn and soybean crops from ponding, saturated soils and flooding, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold.Survival of submerged corn and soybean seedlings depends on seed quality, flood duration, water temperatures, how fast fields dry and location of the growing point in…

New MU guide looks at silage breakeven price

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension recently released an updated cost analyzer to help farmers estimate the breakeven price to justify harvesting corn as silage rather than grain.“Frequently, corn harvested for silage was planted for harvest as a grain crop,” says Joe Horner, an MU Extension agricultural business and policy specialist. Reasons for this change can include feed needs as well as drought and other events that…

Mother Nature's drenchings damage crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Mother Nature has not been kind to Missouri agriculture in 2021, says University of Missouri Extension soybean specialist Bill Wiebold.Spring rains delayed corn and soybean planting well beyond the best date for yield, says Wiebold. Then the rain stopped and hot, dry weather slowed growth. Frequent heavy rains added to the misery in Missouri fields.

Spring rains bring root rots to Missouri field crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Frequent spring rains in Missouri set the stage for seedling and root rotting diseases that can lower yields.Pythium species usually infect the roots of corn, soybean and wheat, especially in the northern half of the state, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette.

Should soybean be planted before corn? MU research still favors corn

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In recent years, the agriculture community began discussing whether it makes sense to plant soybean first and delay corn planting.The University of Missouri Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute predicts a 7% increase in soybean acres planted in 2021. That leaves farmers wondering whether they could, or should, plant soybean before corn.

Treat spider mites now

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Scout now for spider mites, says University of Missouri Extension field crops entomologist Kevin Rice. Dry weather throughout the state creates ideal conditions for spider mite outbreaks.MU Extension agronomists reported mites in fields across the state during their weekly teleconference on Aug. 26. Mite populations can double about every five to seven days under drought conditions.

Corn ears tell us what went right, what went wrong

COLUMBIA, Mo. – It sounds corny, but if we use our ears, corn ears will tell us why yields are down, says University of Missouri Extension state agronomist Bill Wiebold. Corn ears tell and show us what went wrong during pollination and fertilization, the most critical time of yield establishment. The ear takes us on amazing journey of its hard work to make kernels for high yields and profits.

Scout for two emerging corn diseases in Midwest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri corn growers should scout for two emerging corn diseases: bacterial leaf streak (BLS) and tar spot, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette. These diseases appeared for the first time in Missouri in 2019. They have caused severe economic losses in surrounding states. Bissonnette offers facts and tips for growers to monitor their spread. Bacterial leaf streak

Too little water, too much heat puts tasseling corn at risk

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Moderate drought for as little as five consecutive days can cause major damage in corn, according to University of Missouri Extension agronomist Bill Wiebold.