The following publications cover topics related to Building Strong Families. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Challenges and Choices: Family Health


Gail R. Carlson
State Health Education Specialist

Most women capably juggle their many responsibilities as long as everyone stays healthy. However, when a family member becomes ill, women are faced with that dreaded decision, "Do I stay home or do I go to work?" For many women this becomes a no-win situation.

Family Councils: The Key is Communication


The family council is a time for family concerns to be discussed. Visit our website to view our Family Councils: The Key is Communication.

Promoting Family Strengths


Kelly A. Cole
Extension Associate

Janet A. Clark
Associate Program Leader and Associate State Specialist

Sara Gable
Human Development Extension State Specialist

Why are family strengths so important?

Extension logo

Family Scene 13: Tips to Strengthen Families


Gail R. Carlson and M. Kathy Dothage
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

A series of 13 television spots and this publication are a joint project between the Missouri Cooperative Extension Service and KRCG-TV, Channel 13.

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