First case of corn stunt confirmed in Missouri
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension specialists have confirmed the first case of corn stunt in Missouri. The disease, which is transmitted by an insect, was found in southwest Missouri.

MU Extension highlights education, innovation at award-winning Soybean Festival
NORBORNE, Mo. – “Soy Much More for ’24!” rang true for this year’s Norborne Soybean Festival, Aug. 1-3 in Carroll County. For over 40 years, this festival has built civic pride, forged greater community bonds and celebrated the area’s number one industry – agriculture, said University of Missouri Extension engagement specialist Chelsea Corkins.

Stockpile tall fescue to save on labor, cost and time
MONTGOMERY CITY, Mo. – Start stockpiling tall fescue in mid-August for healthier, more profitable cattle, says University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agronomy Rusty Lee. Stockpiling fescue extends the grazing season and reduces the need to feed hay. “Winter feed costs are the cattle producer’s biggest single expense,” says Lee. The best way to reduce that expense is to let cattle graze longer and feed hay for a shorter…

How hair shedding scores can help select cattle for heat stress
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Selecting for cattle with heat tolerance can improve a producer’s profitability. An updated University of Missouri Extension publication, “Hair Shedding Scores: A Tool To Select Heat Tolerant Cattle,” explains how to score for hair shedding and seek lower scores for better heat tolerance. The publication is available for free download at extension.missouri.edu/publications/g2014.

Proper outside large round bale storage reduces hay losses
STOCKTON, Mo. – “As hay season continues, I see a lot of large round hay bales being stored outside,” says University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist Patrick Davis. If hay is not stored properly outside, farmers can see significant dry matter and quality losses. Factors that contribute to these losses include:

What to do when wildlife treats your garden like a buffet
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Pest control is an important part of establishing an attractive garden. Insects, diseases and weeds are formidable foes, but the damage they inflict often pales compared to the destruction perpetrated by some of our four-legged “friends,” said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein.

How-to guide for buying a horse
Have you always wanted a horse but don’t know where to start? An updated University of Missouri Extension publication offers guidance. “Buying a Horse” is available for free download at extension.missouri.edu/publications/g2835. “Purchasing a horse should be well planned and carefully thought out,” said Shawn Deering, MU Extension livestock specialist. For most people, a horse is a significant investment and should not be rushed.

MU study looks at poultry litter's impact on soybean yields
ROCK PORT, Mo. – A six-year study at the University of Missouri’s Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center in northwestern Missouri looked at the impact of poultry litter on soybean crops. “Poultry litter is increasingly being applied to row crops in northwest Missouri,” said MU Extension agronomy specialist Wayne Flanary, who conducted the research. “Manures such as litter are valuable because they add organic matter and…

Boxes for the Brave: 4-H volunteer event at the Missouri State Fair
SEDALIA, Mo. – Handmade thank you cards along with personal care products, snacks, energy drinks, socks, decks of playing cards and much more will be headed to 250 Missouri soldiers stationed overseas later this month thanks to 4-H’ers at the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia. As part of the Missouri State Fair’s Military Appreciation Day, Sunday, Aug. 11, Missouri 4-H will host a special Boxes for the Brave packing event in the 4-H…

First case of red crown rot confirmed in Missouri
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension state plant pathologist Mandy Bish reports confirmation of red crown rot, a yield-robbing soybean disease, in Marion County in northeastern Missouri. This is the first confirmed incidence of the disease in the state. Bish says MU Extension specialists have been scouting for the pathogen since its confirmation in Illinois in 2018.

Federal disaster assistance available in southern Missouri
Households and businesses in southern Missouri affected by severe weather and flooding May 19-27 can apply for federal assistance, says Conne Burnham, University of Missouri Extension emergency management coordinator. On July 23, President Joe Biden approved a Major Disaster Declaration Request from Missouri Gov. Mike Parson to help with costs associated with severe storms, straight-line winds, tornadoes and flooding in May 2024.

Brazilian farmers and crop consultants visit MU
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension state crops entomologist Ivair Valmorbida and state soybean specialist Andre Reis hosted a group of influential farmers and crop consultants from Brazil on July 19-20 in Columbia. “The collaboration between Missouri and Brazilian soybean farmers is an ongoing one as each seeks to learn from the other to feed the world,” says Valmorbida.

Elevate your farmers market success
COLUMBIA, Mo. – In celebration of National Farmers Market Week, Aug. 4-10, University of Missouri Extension has resources to help improve your local food systems awareness and polish your farmers market presence. Learn about local food systems Consumers are increasingly searching out healthy and safe food that supports their local community. Farmers can meet this demand by taking advantage of local food systems.

Garden 'n Grow grows business for small town
KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – More than 20 years ago, 8-year-old Casey Jefferson Coy enrolled in the Garden ’n Grow program in Kirksville at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Adair County. Little did she know that the summer-long program would lead her to decades of employment and enjoyment.

Youths demonstrate speaking, presentation, artistic skills at 4-H equine event
SEDALIA, Mo. – The Missouri 4-H Horse Public Speaking and Demonstration and Youth Equine Fine Arts and Poster contests took place Wednesday, July 24, in Sedalia. Youths demonstrated their speaking, presentation and artistic abilities while sharing their equine knowledge, said Maria Calvert, University of Missouri Extension state 4-H agriculture educator.

Garlic: secret weapon of ancient Olympians
COLUMBIA, Mo. – As the world enjoys the 2024 Olympic Games this summer, the use of performance-enhancing substances will be under close scrutiny. University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist David Trinklein notes that garlic was given to the original Olympic athletes in ancient Greece to increase strength and stamina. Thus, this culinary staple was perhaps one of the earliest performance-enhancing agents in sports.

Immersion program provides students rural medical experience
UNION, Mo. – In June, 19 students, including nine from across the University of Missouri System, trekked to Union, Mo., for the latest Rural Immersion program. The program is a collaboration of MU Extension, the MU School of Medicine and leadership in the host cities.

Intel for Ag helps sow seeds for business success
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has developed a free online platform to help beginning and established producers start or grow their agriculture ventures. “Intel for Ag is a free toolbox that makes management concepts accessible and allows users to better determine what agricultural products might most suitable and sustainable for their individual success,” says Mallory Rahe, MU Extension associate professor and Intel…

Managing pinkeye in cattle
WEST PLAINS, Mo. – An abundance of flies in cow herds is being reported to University of Missouri Extension specialists this summer, increasing the likelihood of cattle health issues, including pinkeye. MU Extension livestock field specialist Elizabeth Picking estimates face flies are the biggest contributor this year to the spread of pinkeye in cattle.

Mosquitoes can take a bite out of outdoor fun
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. - With summer rain come mosquitoes, and with mosquitoes come not just itchy bites but the risk of diseases such as West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis, malaria, Zika virus and yellow fever, among others, says University of Missouri Extension horticulturist and entomologist Tamra Reall. Prevention

Scout crops early and often for best results
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Though physically demanding and time-consuming, scouting fields for insect pests is essential to crop health, yields and profits, says University of Missouri Extension state entomologist Ivair Valmorbida. Weekly scouting during the growing season helps producers identify and manage problems for early intervention, Valmorbida says. He advises more frequent monitoring when weather favors rapid development of specific…

July 25 is Turnip Day in Missouri
COLUMBIA, Mo. – There is an old Missouri saying, “On the 25th of July, sow your turnips, wet or dry.” This local proverb vaulted into the national spotlight during the presidency of Missouri native Harry S. Truman, said University of Missouri Extension state specialist David Trinklein.

Battling Japanese beetles in your garden and flowers
INDEPENDENCE, Mo. – Patience and a bucket of soapy water are your best friends when fending off Japanese beetles in the garden, says University of Missouri Extension horticulturist Tamra Reall. Reall recommends tapping beetles off plants by hand and putting them in a bucket of soapy water to kill them. You can also shake them off the plant into the bucket.

Grant aimed at employee satisfaction, retention for foreign labor in swine industry
COLUMBIA, Mo. – A new grant to University of Missouri Extension from the National Pork Board will help pork producers who rely on foreign labor through the TN visa program. The program, which is part of the North American Free Trade Agreement, allows citizens of Canada or Mexico to work in prearranged part-time or full-time jobs in the United States.

Is rained-on hay still good?
NEVADA, Mo. – Rain is always a wild card when deciding the right time to mow hay. “Pop-up showers and storms are a risk this time of the year,” says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Hunter Lovewell. This unpredictability makes it important to keep an eye on weather forecasts and understand how rainfall affects forage that is drying down but not yet baled, he says.