MU experts offer HACCP training for food processors

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri will hold food safety training for food processors March 29-31 on the MU campus in Columbia.Lakshmikantha “Kantha” Channaiah, MU Extension state specialist in food processing, and Andrew Clarke, MU Food Science program coordinator, will lead the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) training.

MU Extension Feedlot School set for March 22-23, Kirksville

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Missouri cattle producers interested in feeding out their cattle are invited to attend a two-day University of Missouri Extension Feedlot School, March 22-23 in Kirksville.

Survey to help guide state broadband efforts

COLUMBIA, Mo. – To guide the state’s internet expansion and training efforts, the Missouri Office of Broadband Development and University of Missouri Extension are conducting a brief online survey on household internet access and use.The anonymous survey, which takes about six minutes to complete, is at

Registration open for fescue workshop

MOUNT VERNON, Mo. – Registration remains open for the March 23 Alliance for Grassland Renewal workshop at the University of Missouri Southwest Research Center in Mount Vernon.The one-day workshop brings nationally known experts on toxic tall fescue to Missouri. They will tell how to renovate toxic tall fescue pastures and integrate novel fescue varieties into grazing systems, says Gene Schmitz, MU Extension field specialist in…

Sowing the seeds to grow

Kahlil Gibran once shared, “Education sows not seeds in you, but makes your seeds grow.” The love of agriculture was planted in 4-H alumni and Mizzou freshman Emma Bauer at an early age on her farm in St. Charles, Missouri. In between Emma’s 4-H paths of growing vegetables in her garden and caring for her chickens, Emma nurtured dreams of studying Animal Science with the goal of becoming an animal nutritionist.

MU Grape and Wine Institute expands as interest in winemaking grows

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Interest in Missouri winemaking exploded during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the University of Missouri Grape and Wine Institute (GWI) has responded to meet the demand.

MU Extension guide has tips on controlling black vulture damage

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri’s growing population of black vultures has led to increasing attacks on vulnerable livestock. Black vultures often inflict damage to the eyes and tongues of young livestock, kill and feed on domestic fowl and scar animals that survive.

Show-Me MO Success podcast: Setting your roots in business

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Missouri Small Business Development Centers offer personalized and extensive services from knowledgeable and helpful professionals. In the latest episode of “Show-Me MO Success,” the University of Missouri’s Business and Community Extension podcast, listeners hear an example of how a Columbia business is working with the SBDC to develop and grow.

Veterinary prescriptions required for antibiotics in the coming months

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Several antibiotics used in cattle and other livestock will require a veterinary prescription in the coming months. This change represents the final phase of the Food and Drug Administration’s efforts to bring all medically important antibiotics approved for use in animals under veterinary oversight by June 11, 2023.

Small-town Missouri 4-H Club grows to more than 100 members

The small town of Atlanta, Missouri, is known for its love for high school sports — and 4-H. Located in Macon County in the northeastern part of the state, the Home Pioneer 4-H Club has grown from 23 members to now more than 100 in just nine years. Despite the challenges of COVID and other competing activities for modern families, 4-H is alive and well here.

Create and Exhibit Public Art as Part of Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) April 22 – May 7

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- The fourth annual Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) Exhibition is the perfect opportunity to create a public art display for your neighbors to enjoy, or to create something with your neighbors to enhance where you live. The 2023 version of Lawn Art With Neighbors (LAWN) is set for April 22 to May 7. LAWN is a public art opportunity accessible to all community members and all art forms.

Business & Communities professionals recognized at annual awards dinner

Members of MU Extension Business & Communities programs were recognized Jan. 25 during an annual professional development conference for their accomplishments in the past year. We invite you to celebrate the accomplishments from around the state.Business & Communities awards and recipientsBusiness & Communities Catalyst: Recognize B&C team members who responded to a significant need seen in the community.

4-H alum shares exchange trip experiences

Missouri 4-H alum Heather Vaughn sent this account of her 2019 4-H exchange trip to Costa Rica.

Show-Me MO Success podcast: Empowering women in politics

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Closing the gender gap in civic representation is the focus of the latest episode of “Show-Me MO Success,” a podcast from University of Missouri Business and Community Extension.

Cyclamen: Hearts and Flowers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The gift of hearts and flowers symbolizes the heartfelt admiration of a loved one through the sentiment of flowers. A houseplant that displays both hearts and flowers is cyclamen, said University of Missouri Extension horticulturist David Trinklein.

Missouri 4-H'ers compete at 2023 Western National Roundup

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Eight Missouri 4-H members competed in January at the 2023 Western National Roundup, an annual event held in tandem with the Western National Stock Show in Denver. FFA and 4-H members from 27 states competed in various categories and project areas during the four-day event.

Eggs still offer good nutritional value amid high prices

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The nutritional value of eggs remains high despite the steep rise in prices. “When considering the protein content of eggs in the diet, eggs are still pretty affordable compared to other animal protein sources,” said Sarah Wood, University of Missouri Extension state nutrition specialist.

MU Graves-Chapple Center to add building

ROCK PORT, Mo. – For more than 30 years, the University of Missouri Graves-Chapple Extension and Education Center near Rock Port has provided information to help growers increase their profitability and continue to be good stewards of their land and the environment.

Technology inches farming toward autonomy

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Armchair farming may not be here yet, but it’s getting closer.“Autonomy in agriculture isn’t as far away as you think,” says Kent Shannon, University of Missouri Extension agricultural engineering specialist.Agriculture is rapidly shifting to technology that can increase land efficiency, reduce labor shortages and streamline food production, says Shannon.

SW Missouri forage conference is Feb. 21 in Springfield

The 39th annual Southwest Missouri Spring Forage Conference is set for Tuesday, Feb. 21, at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield.“As farmers and livestock grazers continue to deal with drought conditions and high input costs, the conference planning committee has themed the 2023 conference ‘Doing More With Less,’” said Patrick Davis, a University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Patrick…

Workshop tells how and why to renovate tall fescue pastures

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Forage and beef producers can learn from world-renowned forage experts the how and why of renovating toxic tall fescue pastures at a March 23 workshop in Mount Vernon, Missouri.

MU Extension launches 'Show-Me MO Success' podcast

COLUMBIA, Mo. – For more than 100 years, University of Missouri Extension has helped businesses and communities throughout the state. “Show-Me MO Success,” a new biweekly podcast hosted by MU Extension specialist Luke Dietterle, shares success stories from across Missouri.

Fall for strawberries, the fruit of love

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Strawberries are a delectable treat any time of year, but in February they are known as the fruit of love, says University of Missouri Extension horticulturist Michele Warmund. Long before the celebration of Valentine’s Day, the strawberry symbolized love and fertility due to its shape, color and wealth of seeds on the fruit surface.

Missouri SBDC elevates business, impacts economic development

Over the past two years, a group of 22 second-stage Missouri small businesses increased sales by $10.7 million, made capital investments of $8.2 million, and added 74 jobs. These businesses were beneficiaries of research and advice from leading experts in a customized consulting program called Elevate. Targeted at second-stage businesses, Elevate is sponsored by the Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with…

Four SE Missouri cattle producers recognized

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Four southeastern Missouri cattle producers were recognized recently for their contributions to the Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program over more than a quarter of a century each.The four were recognized prior to the most recent Show-Me-Select sale, says Erin Larimore, University of Missouri Extension animal science research specialist.

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