
Spotted Wing Drosophila has been found in fruit crops all over Missouri, starting in 2013. This reference page includes articles, photos, and links to web sites with more information. Photos are at bottom of this page.

Newspaper columns from Tim Baker, NW Region Horticulture Specialist

Spotted Wing Drosophila returns

MU Extension and Lincoln University Cooperative Extension resources

Resources from other universities


These photographs were taken in a high tunnel in the Northwest Missouri.  Photos by Tim Baker, copyright 2013. Newspapers may use with appropriate credit.

Spotted Wing Drosophila on a raspberry.
Spotted Wing Drosophila on side of raspberry

Spotted Wing Drosophila on a raspberry closer view.
Spotted Wing Drosophila on side of raspberry

Raspberry with obvious deterioration.
Raspberry infested with Spotted Wing Drosophila

Raspberry with Spotted Wing Drosophila larvae.
Spotted Wing Drosophila larvae in infested raspberry

Raspberry  with both male and female Spotted Wing Drosophila adults inside.
Both male and female SWD adults are seen inside this raspberry fruit

Raspberry with two Spotted Wing Drosophila adults inside.
Two SWD adults are seen inside this raspberry fruit

Raspberry bush with nearly all fruit deteriorated.
Damage inside this SWD-infested high tunnel was close to 100%

The following photos are of SWD which were frozen to do close-up work. Some of them were stained by the raspberry juice around them. Freezing them changes the color to some degree, especially in the eyes. The above photos better represent eye color in living specimens.

Close up of Male Spotted Wing Drosophila.
Male SWD clearly showing the spots on the wings.

Close up of Female Spotted Wing Drosophila.
Female SWD do not have spots on their wings.

Close up of Spotted Wing Drosophila larva in raspberry fruit.
SWD larva in raspberry fruit.