Newer electric vehicles are powered by battery packs generating enough power to power the average American household for about three days. This workshop will focus on building tools for the street smart attentive First Responder. What, where and how these batteries are used and what to do when they fail. This presentation is filled with actual fire scene video, protocol breaches and close call firsthand accounts of emergencies that went wrong. Lithium-ION batteries are everywhere.
Host: Rolla Rural Fire Protection District 1575 East Lions Club Drive Rolla MO
Contact: Roger Hayes at 573-341-2211 or
Sessions: January 18, 2025 08:00-17:00
Partners: Missouri Division of Fire Safety
Funding provided by the Division of Fire Safety (DFS) and the Missouri Fire Safety Education / Advisory Commission. State Funding sources include the DFS General Revenue (GR) Fire Training Fund and Fire Education Fund.