If you’ve wanted to learn more about agricultural lease arrangements and how to ascertain estimated land, lease and custom work values, join MU Extension for an engaging and interactive Lunch and Learn opportunity! The Farm Management: On My Own program will help participants understand basic elements of agricultural leases, as well as resources that can be leveraged to determine land values, rental rates, and custom work costs.  

Participants will leave the series with knowledge of:  

  • The components and common types of agricultural lease arrangements. 
  • How to determine the approximate monetary value of leasing their agricultural land. 
  • How to determine the approximate monetary value of their agricultural land. 
  • How to determine the average rate for a variety of custom work activities (including land clearing, custom baling and more). 

This program is designed for female landowners and farm operators, but all are welcome to participate in an informal, participant-driven and learner-focused event. Take advantage of this convenient, online learning opportunity!  

Sessions will be held from 12:15-12:45pm online:  

  • Apr. 17: Ag Leasing - Basic Components of a Lease 
  • Apr. 24: Ag Leasing - Types of Leases 
  • May 1: Missouri Farmland Values 
  • May 8: Missouri Rental Rates 
  • May 15: Missouri Custom Work Rates  

Cost: $15 covers all 5 sessions. 

Pick and choose OR attend them all - you decide!

Contact: Amie Breshears, abreshears@missouri.edu, 660-438-5012