This six part webinar series will cover the production of apples, pears, nuts, specialty fruits (pawpaw, persimmon), and maple syrup. The series will also feature a farmer panel discussion. The classes will be held on Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:00 p.m., from 9/10/24 through 10/15/24.
Registration for this webinar will also give you access to previously recorded classes on fruit production including the following topics: site selection & planting, fertility management, weed management, insect & disease management, marketing, and economics of fruit production. It is suggested that you attend the live classes and view the previously recorded topics on your own time. The live classes will also be recorded in case you miss one of the live classes.
$50 scholarship are available to Missouri beginning farmers in Missouri's Urban East Counties: St. Louis City/County, St. Charles, Jefferson, Lincoln, Franklin, Warren, St. Genevieve, St. Francois, and Washington Counties. Scholarships are available through a grant serving the listed counties. Scholarships are limited and will be awarded at checkout.
If you have additional questions call the Pike County MU Extension 573-324-5464.
Register deadline: Monday September 9th at 5:00 p.m..
Zoom link and access to view previously recorded classes will be provided via email on the morning of the first class.
Cost: $60
USDA NIFA-Missouri Beginning Farmers and Ranchers, and Beginning Veteran Farmers Grant