Dining with Diabetes is a four-session course that helps participants build food skills through cooking while learning strategies to manage, prevent, or delay diabetes-related complications. Each session offers detailed instruction, group discussion, and a cooking demonstration of a diabetes-friendly recipe.
Dining with Diabetes was created by Ohio State University and adapted (with permission) for use by the University of Missouri Extension. Register online by following the yellow button above.
Date: February 5, 12, 19, 26 (Wednesdays)
Time: 12 – 1:30 pm
Location: Virtual on Zoom.
The link will be available once registration is complete and emailed prior to the course starting.
- Elizabeth McGinley is a Nutrition and Health Specialist for Platte, Jackson and Clay counties.
- Cassidy Palmer is a Nutrition and Health Specialist for St. Charles and Jefferson counties, and a registered dietitian licensed in Missouri.
Cost: Free, thanks to funding from the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Diabetes Program Have questions?
Contact one of the instructors: Elizabeth McGinley at emcginley@missouri.edu or Cassidy Palmer at cassidypalmer@missouri.edu.
Accessibility accommodations: Do you experience vision, hearing, or other problems that impact your learning? Please reach out to Elizabeth McGinley at 816-270-2141 or emcginley@missouri.edu before class to discuss accommodations
Sponsors/partners: Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services