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This course will allow the student to be eligible to take the specialty certification exam for Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C) and Certified Flight Paramedic (FP-C). The CCP course is designed to prepare paramedics to provide advanced critical care during ground and air transport of critically ill or injured patients. This course combines online and in-seat learning to enhance critical care thinking and advanced skills.


University of Missouri Health Care EMS Education Syllabus

Fall 2024 Critical Care Paramedic Course

Mondays, 8:30 - 5:30pm

October 7, 2024 - December 9, 2024 (10-weeks)

Syllabus Content

The course syllabus includes the following information:

  • Faculty and Contact Information
  • Course Description
  • Course Textbook and Materials
  • Assignments and Evaluation Criteria
  • Acknowledgments

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Recognize different flight physiologies
  • Understand barophysiology and critical patient transfer considerations
  • Recognize and perform critical care patient packaging
  • Recognize critical airway and ventilation management issues including surgical airways, ventilators, CPAP, and BiPAP
  • Understand thoracotomy
  • Perform and maintain chest tubes in critical care
  • Maintain central venous lines
  • Expand pharmacologic knowledge and its role in critical care
  • Interpret laboratory data
  • Recognize advanced 12 Lead ECG with correct interpretation and treatment
  • Understand and perform hemodynamic monitoring in the critical care patient 

Course Completion

To complete this blended course and achieve the completion certification, all online and in classroom work must be completed. You must achieve an overall passing score of 70% and maintain attendance at or above 90% to receive your course completion certificate. 

Course Textbook and Materials

During this course, all instructional materials, resources, technologies, and learning activities are used and will help you achieve the critical learning objectives and prepare you to demonstrate course competencies.

Required Textbook/Resources
  • Critical Care Transport, 3rd edition by AAOS

 Online Course Access (One Canvas)

You will log in to One Canvas to obtain course materials, communicate with your instructor and classmates, and submit assignments. 

New to Canvas?  Select the "Getting Started with Canvas" link, located in the left side navigation bar.  There you can view short tutorial videos on how to access your course, how to navigate through Canvas, how to set up a profile and the Canvas Dashboard.  There are additional resources to help when you need more information specific to Canvas.

This course uses Modules to organize course learning resources. You must complete all sections of each module to advance to the next module.

Each module may include:

  • Videos covering the topic
  • Readings to enhance student understanding
  • Discussions to connect to students
  • Quizzes to check understanding
  • Assignments to show student mastery of the material
  • Instructor and course evaluations

We recommend you proceed through the course sequentially by selecting the BACK or NEXT buttons at the bottom of each page.

To access the Syllabus, simply select it from the left side navigation bar.

Assignments and Evaluation Criteria


Attendance is mandatory to complete this course.  Students must make every effort to attend all in-seat class opportunities.  Therefore, a student must attend a minimum of 9 of the 10 required in seat classroom opportunities to be awarded a course completion.   In seat classroom days begin at 0830 each day.  Daily attendance will be required and maintained.  If a student is tardy more than 1 hour late, the student will be considered absent for that classroom session.

Methods of Instruction

This is a blended course with in-person lecture and hands-on lab sessions to combine low and high-fidelity simulation scenarios with skill practice.  Not all topics of the course will be discussed during lecture; therefore, students must complete the online component of the course including video-recorded lectures and assignments not covered in the classroom. Each week, you will have required reading, assignments, quizzes, on-line lectures and in classroom required participation.   You must achieve a passing score of 70% on all quizzes to complete this course and attend at a minimum of 9 of the 10 classroom days.

Successful completion of this course will result in a certificate of completion, 90 hours of advanced continuing education and preparation for the Certified Critical Care Paramedic (CCP-C®) and Certified Flight Paramedic (FP-C®) exams administered by the International Board of Specialty Certifications (formerly the Board for Critical Care Transport Paramedic Certification (BCCTPC®).

 To complete this blended course and achieve the completion certification, all online and in classroom work must be completed. 


All reading, lectures, homework, quizzes, and tests are to be completed prior to the next in-seat classroom date unless otherwise directed.

Your instructor will make every effort to provide timely feedback on assignments.  After assignment submissions, your instructor welcomes the opportunity to discuss questions or concerns in person at the beginning of the next class period.  If you need additional assignment feedback, please contact Beth Burkhart or Adam Daubach for further clarification. 

Students are expected to complete all assignments by the assigned due date.  Assignments not completed will be re-opened at the next in-seat class day.  Students will be given an additional seven (7) calendar days to complete the assignment with a 25% reduction in available score (max available score for a re-opened assignment is 75%).  Assignments not completed after the additional 7-day allotment will result in a 0% assigned for the assignment and possible forfeiture of CEU hours on that topic.

Grading Policy

All learning will be assessed by instructor Beth Burkhart, adjunct instructor Adam Daubach, or MU EMS Education program director Jessica Kampeter.

Assessments may include pre- and post-quizzes, formative and summative assessments, video quizzes, discussion posts and evaluations. 

Course letter grades will not be provided.  You must maintain a cumulative score of 70% and maintain attendance of greater than or equal to 90% to be awarded the completion certificate. 

Continuing education credit will be awarded to students who complete the required daily assignments and evaluations, and attendance requirements listed above.  A student with one absence will receive continuing education credits except for hours missed.

Dress Code

It is expected that all students come to class presentable in either business casual, agency uniform, or a solid polo with EMS pants.  Leather or nylon footwear that come over the ankles and are dark in color (no tennis, running type shoes, or large climbing boots).

Students may not wear clothing that is revealing, offensive, intimidating, or in disrepair. Clothing should also be of appropriate size and style, so it covers all necessary areas of the body. Undergarments should not be visible.


If you anticipate barriers related to the format or requirements of this course, or if disability-related accommodations are necessary (for example, extended time on exams, materials in an alternate format), please notify your instructor or contact Canvas Support.

Critical Care 3rd Edition