Applications open for Missouri Century Farms

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If your farm has been in your family since Dec. 31, 1925, you can apply to have it recognized as a Missouri Century Farm. University of Missouri Extension, the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, and Missouri Farm Bureau sponsor the program. The application deadline to be recognized as a 2025 Missouri Century Farm is May 1.

Tar spot growing in Missouri corn crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A yield-robbing corn disease, tar spot, is gaining ground in Missouri. Tar spot has been confirmed in 19 counties in 2024, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Mandy Bish. Corn growers in nearly half of the state’s counties have reported tar spot since Missouri’s first confirmed case in 2018.

Heatstroke can kill quickly in hot cars

COLUMBIA, Mo. – When the news has another tragic story about a child accidentally left in a hot car, parents might believe they could never make a mistake like that. “It’s not just negligent parents or indifferent caregivers. When juggling the demands of work, parenting and daily life, it’s easier than you might think to make a simple but fatal mistake,” says Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Extension health and safety…

Severe-weather resources from MU Extension

News releases, videos, publications and more.  Publications In-depth information is available from these MU Extension publications, which are available for free download. (To access publications, use the links below or go and search by publication number.)

NE Missouri couple learns about forestry on 55th wedding anniversary

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A forestry field day might seem like an unlikely place to spend a wedding anniversary, says University of Missouri Extension natural resources specialist Brian Schweiss. But a northeastern Missouri couple thought it sounded like “a good outing to someplace we had never been before” to celebrate 55 years of a marriage as strong as the forest’s trees.

MU Extension to hold crop and forage chat in Palmyra

PALMYRA, Mo. - Producers in northeastern Missouri can hear crop and forage updates from University of Missouri Extension specialists at a free event in August.The MU Extension Crop and Forage Chat will be 9-11 a.m. Friday, Aug. 11, at the Shawn Kiefaber/Kenny Lovelace Farm, 1 mile west of Palmyra, off U.S. 61 on County Road 318. In the event of rain, the event will move to the fairgrounds livestock barn at Flower City Park, 1000 W. New…

Top 5 livestock forage actions to take during drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Most of Missouri is experiencing drought conditions, which have extended almost a full year, putting enormous pressure on cattle producers. University of Missouri Extension specialists have five top action items for producers to do now:

Missouri SBDC continues to “Elevate” second-stage businesses

This spring, five Missouri small businesses began the journey to grow beyond the second stage. Through the Missouri Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC’s) Elevate program, these five business owners, at no cost to them, are gaining knowledge from various experts that most small-business owners rarely have access to.

Tar spot of corn confirmed in June in Missouri – the earliest ever

In June 2023, tar spot of corn was confirmed in Holt and Marion counties, Missouri, marking the earliest detection in the state.

Missouri youths compete at 2023 State 4-H Poultry Day

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Thirty-six youths from across Missouri attended the 2023 State 4-H Poultry Day, June 10 at the University of Missouri Animal Science Research Center in Columbia. Competitions included a poultry judging contest, quiz bowl, egg demonstration contest, photo contest and dozen egg contest.

2023 MU leadership tour showcases partnerships in NE Missouri

What do a lavender farm, a distillery, a lively coffee shop, dozens of cover crop test plots and a college and careers pathway program for youth have in common? They show how the University of Missouri works to strengthen Missouri’s economy and empower people to improve their lives.

Flood-related resources from MU Extension

News releases, publications and more.  News releases

MU Extension Feedlot School set for March 22-23, Kirksville

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Missouri cattle producers interested in feeding out their cattle are invited to attend a two-day University of Missouri Extension Feedlot School, March 22-23 in Kirksville.

Missouri SBDC elevates business, impacts economic development

Over the past two years, a group of 22 second-stage Missouri small businesses increased sales by $10.7 million, made capital investments of $8.2 million, and added 74 jobs. These businesses were beneficiaries of research and advice from leading experts in a customized consulting program called Elevate. Targeted at second-stage businesses, Elevate is sponsored by the Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with…

Master Showman Competitions: Displaying Youths’ Hard Work

The Issue 4-H and FFA Livestock projects impact youth life skill development in motivation, responsibility, goal setting, discipline, and leadership (Anderson et al., 2015; Boleman et al., 2004; Evans, et al. 2019; Heavner et al., 2011; Rusk et al, 2003). Knowledge of husbandry and showing procedures increased the longer youth participate in the projects (Havner et al., 2011; Rusk et al., 2003).

Leadership change in extension and engagement

University of Missouri President Mun Choi has announced that Marshall Stewart, chief engagement officer for the UM System and vice chancellor for extension and engagement for MU, is leaving the university to pursue another opportunity as Kansas State University's senior vice president for executive affairs, university engagement and partnerships, and chief of staff, effective Jan. 20, 2023.

Adding value to the family farm business, Inland Cape Rice Mill - Scott City, MO

Sam Schneider and his wife eat rice at every meal, so transitioning the family farm into growing rice was a challenge he was happy to take on.

Let no tree go to waste, Full Circle Forest Products - Rutledge, MO

Are trees that have been felled by nature or landowners destined to rot — either where they lie or in a landfill? Joshua Clarkweiss says no. Clarkweiss, owner of Full Circle Forest Products, a sustainability-focused sawmill in Rutledge, Missouri, turns those trees into custom construction lumber and furniture.

MU Extension guide, spreadsheet help estimate farmland values

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Buyers and sellers who need an estimate of the value of a piece of farmland may not always find it feasible to get an appraisal, particularly one that reflects the land’s historical value needed to calculate taxes and settle estates.

10 Missouri small businesses prepare to “Elevate” beyond the second stage

Ten second-stage Missouri small businesses are learning from experts and each other how to move to the next level. Selected from across the state and representing the advertising, construction, health care, manufacturing, and retail trade industries, the following businesses are participating in the 2022 Elevate program supported and led by the Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

After the bloom fades, Easter lily can see new life

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Easter lily used for spring decorations can provide beauty and fragrance for another season.After blooming ends, plant Easter lilies outside as soon as the ground can be worked, says University of Missouri Extension horticulture specialist Jennifer Schutter. The following year, they will bloom in June and have a sweet fragrance.

A key Missouri asset: MU Extension generated $1.2 billion economic impact in FY21

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension generated an estimated $1.2 billion economic impact throughout Missouri in fiscal year 2021, according to a recent impact analysis. That amount contributed to the University of Missouri System’s overall $6.5 billion economic impact statewide.

Missouri youths attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta

Missouri youths gathered with others from across the nation for the 2021 National 4-H Congress, Nov. 26-30 in Atlanta.

Tigers United: Mascots set aside rivalries to help save relatives in the wild

Missouri families and educators! Truman has something important to share with you. As any loyal fan knows, Mizzou’s mascot, Truman, is a Bengal tiger. Sadly, the number of tigers in the wild has declined sharply over the last century.  Today, there are fewer than 4,000 tigers left worldwide!

Missouri SBDC receives grant to help underserved communities succeed with the Small Business Innovation Research Program

MISSOURI – The Missouri SBDC (Small Business Development Centers) was awarded $125,000 for specialized training, business counseling, and technical assistance for research and development (R&D)-focused small businesses under the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

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