Applications open for Missouri Century Farms

COLUMBIA, Mo. – If your farm has been in your family since Dec. 31, 1925, you can apply to have it recognized as a Missouri Century Farm. University of Missouri Extension, the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, and Missouri Farm Bureau sponsor the program. The application deadline to be recognized as a 2025 Missouri Century Farm is May 1.

Youths demonstrate speaking, presentation, artistic skills at 4-H equine event

SEDALIA, Mo. – The Missouri 4-H Horse Public Speaking and Demonstration and Youth Equine Fine Arts and Poster contests took place Wednesday, July 24, in Sedalia. Youths demonstrated their speaking, presentation and artistic abilities while sharing their equine knowledge, said Maria Calvert, University of Missouri Extension state 4-H agriculture educator.

Heatstroke can kill quickly in hot cars

COLUMBIA, Mo. – When the news has another tragic story about a child accidentally left in a hot car, parents might believe they could never make a mistake like that. “It’s not just negligent parents or indifferent caregivers. When juggling the demands of work, parenting and daily life, it’s easier than you might think to make a simple but fatal mistake,” says Karen Funkenbusch, University of Missouri Extension health and safety…

Severe-weather resources from MU Extension

News releases, videos, publications and more.  Publications In-depth information is available from these MU Extension publications, which are available for free download. (To access publications, use the links below or go and search by publication number.)

Top 5 livestock forage actions to take during drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Most of Missouri is experiencing drought conditions, which have extended almost a full year, putting enormous pressure on cattle producers. University of Missouri Extension specialists have five top action items for producers to do now:

Missouri SBDC continues to “Elevate” second-stage businesses

This spring, five Missouri small businesses began the journey to grow beyond the second stage. Through the Missouri Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC’s) Elevate program, these five business owners, at no cost to them, are gaining knowledge from various experts that most small-business owners rarely have access to.

Franklin County farm hosts Missouri Dairy Summer Social

WASHINGTON, Mo. – Riegel Dairy in Washington, Mo., will host the Missouri Dairy Summer Social 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, June 30.Grade A dairy producers statewide are encouraged to attend this free educational event, says Reagan Bluel, University of Missouri Extension dairy specialist and educational director of Missouri Dairy.Recognized as a leading producer in the state, Riegel Dairy uses technology to help manage its herd of 780…

Flood-related resources from MU Extension

News releases, publications and more.  News releases

Show-Me MO Success podcast: Setting your roots in business

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The Missouri Small Business Development Centers offer personalized and extensive services from knowledgeable and helpful professionals. In the latest episode of “Show-Me MO Success,” the University of Missouri’s Business and Community Extension podcast, listeners hear an example of how a Columbia business is working with the SBDC to develop and grow.

Missouri SBDC elevates business, impacts economic development

Over the past two years, a group of 22 second-stage Missouri small businesses increased sales by $10.7 million, made capital investments of $8.2 million, and added 74 jobs. These businesses were beneficiaries of research and advice from leading experts in a customized consulting program called Elevate. Targeted at second-stage businesses, Elevate is sponsored by the Missouri Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in partnership with…

Master Showman Competitions: Displaying Youths’ Hard Work

The Issue 4-H and FFA Livestock projects impact youth life skill development in motivation, responsibility, goal setting, discipline, and leadership (Anderson et al., 2015; Boleman et al., 2004; Evans, et al. 2019; Heavner et al., 2011; Rusk et al, 2003). Knowledge of husbandry and showing procedures increased the longer youth participate in the projects (Havner et al., 2011; Rusk et al., 2003).

Drought requires feed efficiency in cattle

WEST PLAINS, Mo. – Low supplies of hay make feeding cattle a challenge. Elizabeth Picking, a University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist in southwestern Missouri, sees the effects of severe drought in her area – dwindling hay supplies, poor-quality hay, high prices and ponds going dry.

MU Extension guide, spreadsheet help estimate farmland values

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Buyers and sellers who need an estimate of the value of a piece of farmland may not always find it feasible to get an appraisal, particularly one that reflects the land’s historical value needed to calculate taxes and settle estates.

10 Missouri small businesses prepare to “Elevate” beyond the second stage

Ten second-stage Missouri small businesses are learning from experts and each other how to move to the next level. Selected from across the state and representing the advertising, construction, health care, manufacturing, and retail trade industries, the following businesses are participating in the 2022 Elevate program supported and led by the Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

4-H youths test skills at 2022 State 4-H Horse Judging Contest

FULTON, Mo. – The University of Missouri Extension State 4-H Horse Judging Contest, April 9, drew 70 4-H members to compete at William Woods University in Fulton. The 4-H delegation was greeted by newly appointed William Woods University President Jeremy Moreland. After the contest, youths and coaches toured the facilities and learned more about the university’s equine program from faculty and students.

A key Missouri asset: MU Extension generated $1.2 billion economic impact in FY21

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension generated an estimated $1.2 billion economic impact throughout Missouri in fiscal year 2021, according to a recent impact analysis. That amount contributed to the University of Missouri System’s overall $6.5 billion economic impact statewide.

Tigers United: Mascots set aside rivalries to help save relatives in the wild

Missouri families and educators! Truman has something important to share with you. As any loyal fan knows, Mizzou’s mascot, Truman, is a Bengal tiger. Sadly, the number of tigers in the wild has declined sharply over the last century.  Today, there are fewer than 4,000 tigers left worldwide!

Missouri SBDC receives grant to help underserved communities succeed with the Small Business Innovation Research Program

MISSOURI – The Missouri SBDC (Small Business Development Centers) was awarded $125,000 for specialized training, business counseling, and technical assistance for research and development (R&D)-focused small businesses under the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

Good News Brewing, Defiance, MO

Good News Brewing in Defiance, MO, has thrived during the pandemic, seizing growth opportunities with the help of local business support

The Cherry Company, Kansas City, MO

Thalia Cherry's entrepreneurial journey with The Cherry Company showcases growth through strategic coaching, highlighting her success in Kansas City.

Branson Airport, Hollister, MO

Branson Airport partnered with local experts to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, benefiting from various support programs to enhance travel recovery.

Lone Star Physiques, Kirkville, MO

Lone Star Physiques in Kirksville, MO, is a personal fitness business highlighting client success stories and rural entrepreneurship.

The Export Plan: Pricing Strategy

Now that you’ve identified a country for export and have selected a path to your customers, it’s a good time to start to think about pricing.  You’ll need to make the important decision on what you will charge for your product. In this issue, we’ll discuss the additional costs you can expect to incur when exporting to a foreign county and will review how those should be factored into the sales price of your product.

Export Planning Streamlined

The Missouri Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) recently brought a new international export business planning platform to small businesses across the state.

Suicide prevention in the workplace

In the United States alone, suicide accounts for nearly 40,000 lost lives per year, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. That's an average of one suicide every 13 minutes. The truth is that anyone can be at risk. Sometimes you NEED help. Sometimes you ARE the help.

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