Watercolor Notecards Provide a Personal Touch to Neighboring, Can be Relaxing

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- When a neighbor receives a kind note from us, especially if it is handwritten, they feel like the writer has a deeper desire to serve them or connect. “Isolated and lonely people desire a personal touch. This has always been true. But it is especially true during this period in our social history,” said David Burton, community development specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Discover Assets in Urban Neighborhood the Story of "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything" Says Author Mike Mather

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Michael Mather, author of "Having Nothing, Possessing Everything," was a guest in University of Missouri Extension's Neighboring 101 class on Dec. 16, 2021. He advocates for asset-based community development and never doing something for someone in a community that they can do for themselves.

Mental Health & Self-Care

It is important to take care of our mental health through daily and weekly self-care. There are times in life when we are going to feel overwhelmed whether it’s impending deadlines, a long to-do list, tension with a family member or friend, everyone experiences stress. The response to that stress is what impacts our mental health.

Hundreds of Different Choices Define Neighboring Relationships

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Developing positive and loving relationships with your neighbors does not happen in one day or even one week. Instead, the relationship takes time and depends on hundreds of different choices, said David Burton, county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Before Flying Your New Aerial Drone, Learn the Rules

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Dynamic Remotely Operated Navigation Equipment (DRONE) is at the top of many gift wish lists this year. But it is best to get acquainted with the rules for aerial drones before using one, according to Willa Williams, 4-H youth development specialist in Greene County with University of Missouri Extension.

Properly Fitted Bike Helmet Key to Reducing Injuries

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Bicycles remain a popular holiday gift purchase but the gift would be incomplete without a bicycle helmet according to Willa Williams, 4-H youth specialist in Greene County with University of Missouri Extension and a League Cycling Instructor. “When people are thinking about buying bicycles this holiday, remember to include a bicycle helmet,” said Williams. “All bike riders should wear bicycle helmets.”

Garden strengthens community across differences

NOEL, Mo. – Food is a bridge that brings people together. That conviction was the seed for a garden that now flourishes on what was once a rocky hillside plot in Noel, a town of 1,800 in the southwest corner of Missouri. 

Humility is Key Attribute for Best Leaders According to Current Research

OZARK, Mo. – Superheroes may not be powered by humility, but great leaders are, according to Dr. Pam Duitsman, a county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension. “Many would not readily associate the quality of humility with strong leadership. We usually think of attributes like being strong, bold, confident, and decisive,” said Duitsman. “But a growing body of research is showing that humility is a key attribute…

Tigers United: Mascots set aside rivalries to help save relatives in the wild

Missouri families and educators! Truman has something important to share with you. As any loyal fan knows, Mizzou’s mascot, Truman, is a Bengal tiger. Sadly, the number of tigers in the wild has declined sharply over the last century.  Today, there are fewer than 4,000 tigers left worldwide!

Why we no longer neighbor

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Many Americans recognize that relationships with neighbors are different today than 20 or 30 years ago. One study from the Harvard Medical School shows that 50 years ago, neighboring was talked about in terms of social relationships, but today it is spoken of in terms of etiquette. Specifically, things like "be quiet and leave me alone."

Missouri SBDC receives grant to help underserved communities succeed with the Small Business Innovation Research Program

MISSOURI – The Missouri SBDC (Small Business Development Centers) was awarded $125,000 for specialized training, business counseling, and technical assistance for research and development (R&D)-focused small businesses under the Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.

Good News Brewing, Defiance, MO

Good News Brewery has grown amidst the pandemic. They find opportunities and reach out to the Missouri SBDC at EDC of St. Charles County. Check out this latest video and hear how working with the SBDC helped them.

The Cherry Company, Kansas City, MO

Thalia Cherry started working with the Missouri SBDC at UMKC in 2016 and continues to work with her business coach to help her business grow. Check out our latest client highlight video to learn more about Thalia's entrepreneurial journey.

Branson Airport, Hollister, MO

The Branson Airport started working with the Missouri SBDC at Missouri State University in 2020 to learn more about various programs to help them navigate the pandemic impacts on travel. Check out this latest video and hear how working with the SBDC helped them.

Lone Star Physiques, Kirkville, MO

Stephanie McGrew is the owner of Lone Star Physiques in Kirksville, MO. Check out our latest client highlight video to learn about Stephanie's relationship with the Missouri SBDC in Northeast Region and more about her rural, personal fitness business.

“Sowing and Growing Hope” Topic of Neighboring 101 Session Nov. 18

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – “Sowing and Growing Hope” will be the topic for the next Neighboring 101 session on Thursday, Nov. 18 at noon (CST). Amber Allen, University of Missouri Extension Human Development Specialist, will present on the topic of hope and how it can impact your neighborhood. Part of her presentation is based on the book “Hope Rising: How the Science of Hope Can Change Your Life,” by by Casey Gwinn and Dr. Chan Hellman.

Creating an Emergency Kit

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- Greene County 4-H is partnering with the Greene County Office of Emergency Management to help youth and families get prepared for emergencies, and to get more youth interested in public safety careers. Teaching youth about emergency preparedness is important for several reasons according to Willa Williams, the new 4-H youth specialist in Greene County and also the Missouri 4-H youth preparedness program manager.

Neighboring 101 Sessions Open for Registration, Free, and Attracting Nationally Known Speakers

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- University of Missouri Extension continues a series of free programs known as "Neighboring 101." These are free classes that are taught live via zoom once a month during the noon hour. You must register online at https://extension.missouri.edu to access the live class and get videos from past classes.

Neighboring Challenge logs 5,579 acts of neighboring in state; Greene County prizewinners announced

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – At the end of Good Neighbor Week in Missouri, organizers documented 5,579 acts of neighboring submitted by nearly 100 groups and individuals. In Greene County, where a 1,000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge was held, county residents documented 2,281 acts of neighboring, says David Burton, a county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension.

Missouri Neighboring Challenge Documents 3,250 Acts of Neighboring Mid-Way Through Week-Long Promotion

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – At the mid-way point of Good Neighbor Week in Missouri, organizers say they have already documented 57 acts of neighboring statewide impacting 4,650 Missourians. In Greene County, where a "1,000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge" is underway, David Burton, a county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension, says 513 people have been impacted by the acts of neighboring reported as of this morning.

Missouri Businesses and Organizations are Embracing Celebration of National Good Neighbor Day

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – National Good Neighbor Day is Tuesday, Sept. 28, and University of Missouri Extension encourages residents from across the state to find ways to celebrate good neighboring in their community. Individuals and businesses around the state are starting to embrace the idea. Individuals use the holiday to launch personal efforts to build relationships with the eight closest neighbors to your home or apartment door.

Youths compete at Missouri 4-H Livestock Judging Contest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – More than 100 youths competed at the 2021 University of Missouri Extension State 4-H Livestock Judging Contest on Sept. 11 at the MU Trowbridge Livestock Center in Columbia. This contest brought together 122 Missouri 4-H members to apply their evaluation and communication skills.

Simple Neighboring Ideas for 1000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- National Good Neighbor Day is Sept. 28. In Greene County we are going to celebrate all week (Sept. 26 to Oct. 2) with a 1,000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge.  “If you perform an act of neighboring and report it online through our website or Facebook page you will be eligible for prizes in a random drawing as well as cash prizes for the best examples of neighboring,” said David Burton, county engagement specialist…

The Export Plan: Pricing Strategy

Now that you’ve identified a country for export and have selected a path to your customers, it’s a good time to start to think about pricing.  You’ll need to make the important decision on what you will charge for your product. In this issue, we’ll discuss the additional costs you can expect to incur when exporting to a foreign county and will review how those should be factored into the sales price of your product.

Will the Real Neighbors Please Stand-Up?

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. -- The planning is almost over. It is nearly time for residents to begin hosting parties and doing good deeds for their neighbors as part of National Good Neighbor Day on Sept. 28. If you live in Greene County, Missouri, residents there will celebrate Sept. 26 to Oct. 2. They can report their activities at www.surveymonkey.com/r/NationalGoodNeighborDay to win a prize or neighborhood award as part of the 1,000 Acts of…

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