
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – At the mid-way point of Good Neighbor Week in Missouri, organizers say they have already documented 57 acts of neighboring statewide impacting 4,650 Missourians.

In Greene County, where a "1,000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge" is underway, David Burton, a county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension, says 513 people have been impacted by the acts of neighboring reported as of this morning.

"I keep seeing and hearing about people taking action to meet and interact with their neighbors because of our statewide challenge. But local individuals taking the time to report it has been slower than I expected," said David Burton, a county engagement specialist with University of Missouri Extension in Greene County.

Individuals can report their acts of neighboring online by searching for National Good Neighbor Day at or going directly to the survey at .

Burton says several of the communities in Greene County that are eligible for cash prizes for the top neighbor award do not have any submissions yet: Ash Grove, Walnut Grove, Willard, Battlefield, Strafford, and Rogersville.

"I feel confident that we will hit our goal because I know of several large neighborhood events comings up on Friday and Saturday," said Burton. "But I still encourage individuals to report their acts of neighboring so they can be eligible for our prize drawings and cash awards."


In Houston, D&L Florist distributed 2,850 roses (in a town with a population of 2,950) in celebration of National Good Neighbor Day is Tuesday, Sept. 28.

Residents could pick up a dozen individual wrapped roses at no cost (while supplies lasted). They were asked to keep one rose and give the other 11 away to neighbors.

D&L Florist owner Shari McCallister said people came from Cabool, Fort Leonard Wood, Plato, Willow Springs, Houston, and elsewhere to pick up a dozen roses to give way.

"We have businesses that donate to make this event happen. It would not be possible without those great sponsors. And then we have volunteers that show up and bundle the roses for distribution. It is a big undertaking, but it is such a great day in our town. A lot of people are blessed by this community activity, I know," said McCallister.


On behalf of the Greene County Commission, Commissioner John Russell presented a proclamation to Burton during the noon meeting of the Downtown Rotary Club on National Good Neighbor Day, Sept. 28.

The proclamation signed by the Commissioners declared Sept. 26 to Oct. 2, 2021, Good Neighbor Week in support of National Good Neighbor Day on Sept. 28.

"We, the Commissioners call upon the people of the Greene County to join with us in observing the week with appropriate ceremonies and activities and encourage our citizens to participate in the 1,000 Acts of Neighboring Challenge," said Commissioner Russell.

Full text of the Proclamation is posted on the Becoming An Engaged Neighbor and Greene County Extension Council Facebook pages.


Four neighborhoods in Greene County took advantage of mini-grants from the Greene County Extension Council to fund entertainment and extras for neighborhood picnics planned for Saturday.

One neighborhood event has invited local musical group "The Geezers" to entertain when neighbors gather for an outdoor cookout.

According to Burton, other large "good neighbor" activities with Community Partnership of the Ozarks, People's Community Bank, First Christian Church in Ash Grove, and an employee activity at Paddio in Springfield are wrapping up this week.

"Individuals and businesses have stepped up to organize neighbor events beyond what MU Extension could do itself," said Burton. "It is certainly a model for next year. Why couldn't other towns develop similar activities as a reminder of how important our neighbors are to us?"


In 1978, U.S. President Jimmy Carter announced the creation of a national day to raise public awareness that good neighbors help achieve human understanding and build strong, thriving communities. Since then, National Good Neighbor Day has been celebrated on Sept. 28.

Neighboring is the art and skill of building relationships with the people who live in the closest proximity to you. Being a good neighbor offers tremendous health benefits, leads to reductions in crime, reduces loneliness, improves communities, and improves your quality of life.

To learn more about our "Engaged Neighbor" program or the impact of neighboring, go online to or contact David Burton by email or telephone at (417) 881-8909. "Becoming an Engaged Neighbor" can also be found on Facebook.



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