Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Exploring the Categories
People who work for you can be employees or independent contractors, and you must correctly classify them to avoid IRS problems. Learn how to classify workers in this guide.
Private Applicator Pesticide Training Study Guide
Editor's note
To be used in conjunction with Missouri Core Manual M87, Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual
Fertilizer Management for No-Till Corn and Grain Sorghum in Missouri
No-till farming will help preserve Missouri's erodible cropland. This publication should answer many of the questions facing crop producers and fertilizer suppliers regarding nutrient management in a continuous no-till production system.
Storage Tanks for Liquid Dairy Waste
Safe Storage and Handling of Grain
Storage and handling of large volumes of grain on Missouri farms is common. Increased storage capacities, larger and faster handling capacities and automation contribute to many potentially hazardous situations during the harvest and storage season. This guide sheet identifies many of them and suggests preventive measures that control or eliminate the hazardous exposure.
Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint
Paint is a product that most of us have that can become a hazardous waste. Visit our site for our resource on the Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint.
Backgrounding Calves Part 2: Herd Health and Feeding
A good health program is critical to successful calf backgrounding. Visit our website today to learn more about backgrounding calves.
Missouri Soil Surveys
Managing Household Hazardous Waste
Editor's note
The Missouri Poison Center, formerly Regional Poison Control Center, name and phone number were updated on 1/23/15.
Dehumidifiers reduce the moisture in the air. They provide comfort for people and reduce or eliminate deterioration of equipment due to rust, rot, mold and mildew.
Sheep Pregnancy Checking by Ultrasonic Sound
Ultrasonic sound waves can be used to determine sheep pregnancy without harming the ewe or fetus. Learn how the procedure works and pregnancy is diagnosed in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Selecting and Working With a Farm Building Contractor
Two major tasks are involved in the successful completion of a new farm building — choosing the right building and selecting a good contractor to build it.
Most buildings constructed today are "pre-engineered," or package-type, buildings.
Getting Problem Cows Pregnant
An average interval of 70 days from calving to first breeding and a high fertility rate are important to maximize efficiency in dairy herds. The results are more milk and calves at reduced cost.
Preparing for an Emergency: Home Heating in an Emergency
At some time you may face a heating emergency. Visit our site for our Preparing for an Emergency: Home Heating in an Emergency guide.
Common Internal Parasites of Cattle
Feeding to Maximize Milk Solids
Kitchens for Workers in Wheelchairs
Space for the wheelchair, plus space for turning the chair are the two important factors to consider when planning a new kitchen, remodeling a structure or adapting one being used.
The standard model wheelchair (measurements taken from American Standard specifications) falls within the following limits: