High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production, Page 07


Spider mites are small, oval-shaped arthropods that can be found on the underside of leaves, where they congregate and suck sap from the plant.

High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production, Page 10


Find sources of melon and watermelon seeds

Water Analysis — Individual Tests Form


The Soil and Plant Laboratory can test your water for irrigation, domestic, poultry or livestock suitability or run specific individual tests. Water analysis can be used to determine suitability for several purposes, such as for homeowners, irrigation or for use by livestock and poultry.

Water Analysis — Special Test Packages


The testing packages in this form target specific nutrients to provide a more complete picture of water quality for a particular use. Use this form to obtain a detailed water analysis from the MU Soil and Plant Testing Lab.

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 3


Employers ability to pay

Product market factors

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 6


Avoidance of competitive unionism Avoidance of competitive unionism

Union bargaining strength is also weakened by wage competition between more than one union in each industry or with a particular employer.

Collective Bargaining 3: Effective Negotiations, Background Information - Page 2


Research agenda Research agenda

Early in the bargaining process, a local union may want to develop a research agenda to gather data useful in negotiations.

Collective Bargaining 4: The Bargaining Climate


Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Collective Bargaining 5: Bargaining Techniques


In this section, some of the major techniques and tactics relevant to the actual bargaining sessions with management are discussed. Visit our site today.

Collective Bargaining 5: Bargaining Techniques - Page 4



An important tactic in the collective bargaining process is the effective use of a caucus. A caucus is the opportunity for the parties to withdraw temporarily from direct negotiations one another. A caucus can and should be used in several different situations to make sure that negotiations are progressing in an appropriate manner.

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S.


Revised by Dr. Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 4


Labor market factors Labor market factors

The employer's ability to pay is also influenced by its ability to cut the costs of production by increasing productivity.

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 7


Development of appropriate bargaining structures Development of appropriate bargaining structures

In addition to worker organization, a union must also develop a bargaining structure that allows the union t

Introduction to Wind Energy Leases


Learn what Missouri landowners should consider before entering into utility-scale wind energy agreements. Wind agreements have implications for land use, finances, liability, environment, and the community.

Eating on a Budget Handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout provides tips on stretching your food dollars and discusses unit pricing, getting the most out of the food you buy, and other ways to save money on your food budget.

Collective Bargaining 3: Effective Negotiations, Background Information - Page 3


Preparation of demands (changes to the CBA) Preparation of demands (changes to the CBA)

There are two aspects of the process of preparing bargaining demands or proposals.

Build a Healthy Plate Handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

Learn about the latest dietary guidelines, including eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lower-fat dairy products; eating less sugar, fat, salt/sodium; varying protein choices; and balancing calories for weight maintenance.

Collective Bargaining 4: The Bargaining Climate - Page 2


The goals of the employer

While the list of potential union goals in bargaining is unlimited historically, it has been suggested that management has a much shorter bargaining agenda.

Collective Bargaining 5: Bargaining Techniques - Page 2


Ground rules

One method for assuring some level of control over the agenda of bargaining is to make sure that the parties agree over procedural matters that can affect the substance of bargaining.

Just Cause Basics


Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022
Original author: Paul Rainsberger, JD

Growing and Marketing Elderberries in Missouri


Patrick Byers
Regional horticulture specialist

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 2


Economic framework for collective bargaining The economic framework for collective bargaining

The model of collective bargaining that has dominated American industrial relations since the 1930s relies on the relati

How Broadband Adoption and Availability Impacted Rural Employment During COVID-19


Learn how broadband affected rural employment rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Collective Bargaining 1: Historical Models of Collective Bargaining in the U.S. - Page 5


Organization of the relevant workforce Organization of the relevant workforce

To solidify bargaining power, an important union goal is to organize those workers that represent a threat to union member wage levels and job secur

Collective Bargaining 3: Effective Negotiations, Background Information


Introduction Revised by Douglas Swanson, June 2022

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