Cleaning up the Waste Stream — Recycling Plastics


John M. Amos
Engineering Specialist, Missouri University of Science and Technology

Wood Stoves and Their Installation


David E. Baker
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Johne’s Disease or Paratuberculosis


David Weaver
College of Veterinary Medicine

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Agricultural Hand Signals


Voice communications are impossible in certain agricultural situations due to distance and noise. For this reason, standard Agricultural Hand Signals have been developed for farm machinery operators by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Hand signals can prevent accidents and save time. Use them and teach others to use them.



Alfalfa is the most productive legume for Missouri. Visit our website today to learn more about Alfalfa.

How to Select Lubricating Oil for Farm Engines


Bill Hires
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Engine lubricating oil must perform several functions. It should:

Missouri Limestone Quality: What Is ENM?


Daryl D. Buchholz
Department of Agronomy

Can you get a ton's worth of agricultural limestone out of a ton of agricultural limestone? Probably not. The effectiveness of agricultural limestone depends on two factors:

For the Unprepared: Home Heating in an Emergency


Adapted by MU Extension specialists from material prepared by Cooperative Extension Service, University of New Hampshire, Durham.

Your home heat is gone. You've just discovered your heating system may be off for several days. It's cold outside; the inside temperature is dropping, and you have a first class emergency on your hands. What can you do?

Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint


Paint is a product that most of us have that can become a hazardous waste. Visit our site for our resource on the Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint.

Nitrate and Water


Marshall Christy and George S. Smith
Department of Agronomy

J.R. Brown
School of Natural Resources

How to Measure Trees and Logs


Selling timber without measuring the products is like selling livestock without weighing the animals. Visit our site to learn how to measure trees and logs.

Lagoons for Storage/Treatment of Dairy Waste


Donald L. Pfost and Charles D. Fulhage
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Recommendations for Aging Beef


The main reason for aging beef is to improve the tenderness and the flavor of the meat. Visit our site for recommendations for aging beef.

Phosphorus in Missouri Soils


Harry C. Minor and John Stecker
Department of Agronomy

J.R. Brown
School of Natural Resources

In Missouri, soils generally contain from 800 to 2,000 pounds of total phosphorus (P) per acre. Most of the phosphorus is fixed, that is, not available for use by plants.

Using NDF and ADF to Balance Diets


Using NDF and ADF to Balance Diets can help improve animal performance. Visit our website today to learn more.

Making and Storing Quality Hay


Properly making and storing hay and greatly reduce dry matter loses. Visit our site to learn about Making and Storing Quality Hay.

Working With Resource People


Gerald Gabriel
Department of Community Development

Resource people can and should play a vital role in changing communities. City governments, community institutions, organizations and groups are often confronted with issues that make special knowledge and assistance a must in forming intelligent decisions.

Managing Household Hazardous Waste


Editor's note
The Missouri Poison Center, formerly Regional Poison Control Center, name and phone number were updated on 1/23/15.

Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Pesticides: Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know


James H. Jarman
Integrated Pest Management

Darryl P. Sanders
Department of Entomology

C. Dean Martin
Missouri Department of Natural Resources

Canola: A Promising Oilseed


J. Alan Weber, Robert L. Myers and Harry C. Minor
Department of Agronomy

Shared Housing


Leo L. Cram
Missouri Gerontology Institute

A 70-year-old widow lives alone. She finds that her house is difficult to maintain, and she worries about having someone close by in case she falls. An 85-year-old woman is living in an unlicensed boarding home. She wants to move because she is expected to remain in her small room most of the day.

Is Your Wiring System Safe and Energy Efficient?


Kenneth L. McFate and Fred M. Crawford
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Electricity is a safe and convenient source of energy for heat, light and power in your home and on your farm, provided it is distributed in correctly sized and properly protected conductors. Good wiring systems are safe and energy-efficient.

Operating and Maintaining Grassed Outlet Terrace Systems


Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Larry Caldwell
USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Columbia, Missouri

Whole Soybeans for Dairy Cattle


Ron Belyea and Barry Steevens
Department of Animal Sciences

Whole soybeans (WSB) can be used in dairy cow rations; they are palatable and have excellent feed value. WSB have lower protein content than soybean meal, but because of higher fat, have higher net energy content (Table 1).

Simple Home Repairs: Screened Doors and Windows


Patricia Klobe
Department of Environmental Design

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