Hardware Disease of Cattle
Hardware disease of cattle is produced by a sharp object that pierces the stomach wall and gains access to the heart. Visit our site to learn more.
Unsoundness and Blemishes of Horses: Head, Body, Respiratory Tract and Stable Vices
Any defect that affects serviceability is considered an unsoundness. A defect that detracts from appearance but does not impair serviceability is considered a blemish.
Choosing Terrace Systems
Terraces are one way to control soil erosion. Visit our site to learn about Choosing Terrace Systems.
Agricultural Hand Signals
Voice communications are impossible in certain agricultural situations due to distance and noise. For this reason, standard Agricultural Hand Signals have been developed for farm machinery operators by the American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Hand signals can prevent accidents and save time. Use them and teach others to use them.
Maintaining Grassed Waterways
Design Criteria for Formless Concrete Flumes
Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.
Using the California Mastitis Test
One of the best ways to detect mastitis is by using the California Mastitis Test. Visit our website today to learn more.
Birdsfoot Trefoil
Birdsfoot trefoil is a long-lived perennial legume ideally suited for many grass-legume pastures in Missouri. It grows and produces forage during July and August when most cool-season grasses are semi-dormant. Trefoil does not cause bloat, as do many other commonly used legumes.
Nutrient Requirements of Chickens and Turkeys
Tables from Nutrient Requirements of Poultry, eighth revised edition, 1984, National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418. Estimated values are indicated in bold to distinguish them from the established requirements shown in Roman type.
Soybean Production in Missouri
Soybeans were the most successful crop for Missouri farmers in the 1970s & 1980s. Visit our site to learn more about Soybean Production in Missouri.
Cotton Insects and Mites
Editor's note
Reed Canarygrass, Ryegrass, and Garrison Creeping Foxtail
Reed canarygrassReed canarygrass is a tall-growing, cool season perennial with a rhizomatous root system (it roots by sending out runners).
Tips for Pony Pleasure Drivers
Who hasn't had visions of driving or riding a pony? It is one of the easiest, most economical and most rewarding horse experiences you can have. A pony offers endless hours of companionship, experience, pleasure and peer recognition, both in casual pleasure use and in organized group activities.
Irrigating Soybeans
Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.
Flock Profiling for Monitoring Turkey Production
Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.
Land Grading for Irrigation: Design and Construction
Land grading is used for irrigation and subsequent drainage. Visit our site for our Land Grading for Irrigation: Design and Construction guide.
Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint
Paint is a product that most of us have that can become a hazardous waste. Visit our site for our resource on the Safe Use, Storage and Disposal of Paint.
Backgrounding Calves Part 2: Herd Health and Feeding
A good health program is critical to successful calf backgrounding. Visit our website today to learn more about backgrounding calves.
Missouri Soil Surveys
Managing Household Hazardous Waste
Editor's note
The Missouri Poison Center, formerly Regional Poison Control Center, name and phone number were updated on 1/23/15.
Dehumidifiers reduce the moisture in the air. They provide comfort for people and reduce or eliminate deterioration of equipment due to rust, rot, mold and mildew.