Pythium foliar blight on perennial ryegrass.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 17


Pythium foliar blight is one of the most feared turfgrass diseases, because the disease develops rapidly during periods of high temperature and high relative humidity. If left untreated, extensive loss of turf can occur in a few days.

Cover art for publication EQ500

Protecting Water Quality During Lawn Establishment and Renovation


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg, Barbara S. Corwin and Robert R. Broz
Departments of Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Systems Management

Summer patch on Kentucky bluegrass lawn.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 20


Summer patch, sometimes referred to as frogeye patch, is a destructive disease of Kentucky bluegrass maintained for golf course fairways, green surrounds, parks and residential landscapes

Yellow tuft in zoysiagrass.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 23


Yellow tuft is a cool-season disease that is commonly observed on creeping bentgrass and intensively managed Kentucky bluegrass.

Cover art for publication MX1137

Biology and Management of Waterhemp


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Reviewed by Kevin Bradley
Division of Plant Sciences

Dawn Nordby, University of Illinois
Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University
Kevin Bradley, University of Missouri

Cover art for publication IPM1029

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases


This publication is designed to be a useful reference for diagnosticians, turfgrass managers, industry representatives and others who want to learn how to diagnose and manage common turfgrass diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi.

Cover art for publication MP711

Pecan Pest Management: Insects and Diseases


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

George S. Smith and Maureen H. O'Day
Department of Entomology

William Reid
Kansas State University

Anthracnose basal rot.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 03


Anthracnose basal rot is a destructive crown rotting disease of creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass on putting greens. On mixed bentgrass/annual bluegrass putting greens, the causal fungus infects one species or the other but rarely both.

Copper spot.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 06


Copper spot is a foliar disease of bentgrass, with severest outbreaks occurring on velvet bentgrass. It also occurs sporadically on creeping bentgrass greens and higher cut creeping bentgrass tees and fairways. Gloeocercospora sorghi causes a leaf spot of bermudagrass and zoysiagrass as well.

Drechslera leaf spot.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 09


Drechslera diseases are part of a group of diseases caused by fungi that were once cataloged in the genus Helminthosporium. Over the years, taxonomists have revised the genus Helminthosporium to include the genera Drechslera, Marielliotta, Bipolaris and Exserohilum. This section covers the diseases Drechslera leaf spot and melting-out caused by D. poae and red leaf spot caused by D. erythrospila.

Cover art for publication MX1139

Understanding Glyphosate to Increase Performance

Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Reviewed by Kevin Bradley
Division of Plant Sciences

Bob Hartzler, Iowa State University
Chris Boerboom, University of Wisconsin
Glenn Nice, Purdue University
Peter Sikkema, University of Guelph

Cover art for publication G6756

Turfgrass Disease Control


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Division of Plant Sciences

Gray snow mold.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 12


Gray snow mold is a winter turfgrass disease in regions where snow cover persists for long periods. All grasses can be damaged to some extent, but injury is often more severe on annual bluegrass and bentgrass putting greens.

Microdochium patch on bentgrass putting surface.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 15


Microdochium patch is most common on new bentgrass greens under cover or in situations where nitrogen fertility was high going into the winter.

Rust pustules.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 18


Rust occurs to some extent on all turfgrasses, but the rust fungi are generally host specific. Rust is most severe on susceptible cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and zoysiagrass. Rust symptoms usually appear in late August to early September and continue through the fall months.

Publication cover.

Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase from Michigan State Extension. To order this publication, please visit the MSU Extension Bookstore.

Take-all patch of creeping bentgrass.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 21


Take-all patch of creeping bentgrass is a soilborne disease caused by a darkly pigmented, ectotrophic root-infecting fungus. The disease is most common on new greens. It also occurs on reconstructed greens, especially when methyl bromide had been used in the renovation.

Cover art for publication G6706

Establishment and Care of Zoysiagrass Lawns


Zoysiagrass is a warm-season grass that grows best in full sun. It can be established in several ways. Learn how to establish and care for a zoysiagrass lawn in this guide.

Ascochyta leaf blight.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 04


Ascochyta leaf blight results in the rapid development of large irregularly shaped, straw-colored patches on Kentucky bluegrass and occasionally on tall fescue and perennial ryegrass during the summer. Because Ascochyta spp. are primarily foliar pathogens, diseased turfgrass usually recovers relatively quickly.

Cover art for publication MX1140

Biology and Management of Giant Ragweed


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Close-up of dead spot on creeping bentgrass.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 07


Dead spot is a disease of new sand-based bentgrass greens or renovated greens where methyl bromide was used in the renovation. The disease first occurs one to four years after construction or renovation, gradually disappearing one to three years after its first occurrence.

Cover art for publication MX1138

Facts About Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Reviewed by Kevin Bradley
Division of Plant Sciences

Chris Boerboom, University of Wisconsin
Micheal Owen, Iowa State University

Cover art for publication G6749

Natural Lawn Care


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Assistant Extension Professor and Turfgrass State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Fairy ring.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 10


Fairy ring is caused by more than 60 basidiomycete fungi, including those producing the familiar puffballs and toadstools. The rings result from the activities of these fungi growing radially through the thatch or soil, rather than from a direct parasitic relationship with the turfgrass.

Cover art for publication G6770

Bermudagrass for Athletic Fields


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Department of Horticulture

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