Publication cover.

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) Insurance in Missouri


Protect your grazing or hay farming operation from drought risk. Get tips and examples for understanding how PRF insurance works and choosing a policy.

n675 cover image

Can-Do Recipes: Macaroni


Easy-to-prepare recipes using macaroni as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.


Calendario de siembra de vegetales


Planta un huerto para ahorrar en tu factura de comida familiar y promover buenos hábitos dietéticos. Las tablas de esta guía ayudan a los habitantes de Misuri a planificar qué plantar, cuándo plantar y cuánto de cada vegetal plantar.

Publication cover.

Missouri Dairy Industry Revitalization Study


Learn more about Missouri’s dairy industry trends concerning its dairy cow inventory, farms, production, prices, production economics and processing industry and how these affect the state’s economy.

n677 cover image

Can-Do Recipes: Peas


Easy-to-prepare recipes using peas as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

n661 cover

Can-Do Recipes: Rice


Easy-to-prepare recipes using rice as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

n664 cover

Can-Do Recipes: Corn


Easy-to-prepare recipes using corn as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

n667 cover

Can-Do Recipes: Pork


Easy-to-prepare recipes using pork as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

n676 cover image

Can-Do Recipes: Pineapple


Easy-to-prepare recipes using pineapple as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Publication cover.

Evaluating Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Opportunities for Local Beef in Missouri


Marketing beef direct-to-consumer is an complex business with many challenges. This guide explores common marketing options for beef producers, important considerations for direct-to-consumer marketing and the costs and returns of selling beef directly to consumers.

n662 cover

Can-Do Recipes: Tuna


Easy-to-prepare recipes using tuna as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

n665 cover

Can-Do Recipes: Ramen Noodles


Easy-to-prepare recipes using ramen as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Publication cover.

On-Farm Beef Finishing Planning Budget


Use this budget to estimate the costs and returns for producing, raising, home-finishing and commercially selling beef calves in Missouri. This budget includes both spring and fall calving herds.

n1167 cover image

Promoting Produce - Asparagus Handout (Bundle of 25)

New $10

This handout provides information regarding watermelon in your diet.

n1165 cover image

Promoting Produce - Green Beans Handout (Bundle of 25)

New $10

This handout provides information regarding watermelon in your diet.

n1166 cover imge

Promoting Produce - Peas Handout (Bundle of 25)

New $10

This handout provides information regarding watermelon in your diet.

Blueberries handout.

Promoting Produce - Blueberries Handout (Bundle of 25)

New $10

This handout provides information regarding blueberries in your diet.

hes157 cover art

Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 2 (March/April)


This edition of the newsletter covers "Why is dry canning not safe?" and "Why is pressure important in pressure canning?"

n1409 cover art

A Taste of Missouri — March — Yogurt

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using yogurt are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

Cover art for publication G403

Missouri Farmland Values


Find farmland values for Missouri and its counties from USDA since 1959. Learn methods of estimating historical county values for years not reported.

DM3037 publication cover.

Missouri Maple Syrup: Hobby to Sales


This guide is structured to help maple sugaring hobbyists navigate the process of growing their operation beyond a hobby and into a revenue-generating endeavor. It includes information on how to identify capacity and select trees to tap; technology and processing best practices; and tips from active producers on steps taken to break even and begin generating revenue.

G1193 publication cover.

Pasture Fence Construction Budget


There are many different methods and materials used to construct farm fencing. Each method varies widely in cost and ease of construction. This guide focuses on some common types of fences constructed across the midwestern United States.

n1408 cover art

A Taste of Missouri — February — Honey

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using honey are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

G421 publication cover.

Conservation Provisions in Leases


Conservation practice can affect leases and the relationship between landowners and tenants. This guide presents topics to address when incorporating conservation and ecosystem services into a lease agreement.

Publication cover.

Native Warm-Season Grass Seed Production


Native warm-season grasses can be a valuable source of forage and wildlife benefits. They can also generate cash flow by harvesting and selling the seed produced. This guide discusses the practices used to harvest seed and the costs and returns of doing so.

Displaying 51 - 75 of 2483