Analyzing Cropping Systems
Renovating Grass Sods With Legumes
Many Missouri pastures have adequate grass stands, but they need legumes. If the soil is capable of growing them, legumes should be established in grass sods. Establishing clovers is cheaper than topdressing the grass with nitrogen.
Soil Compaction: The Silent Thief
Backgrounding Calves Part 1: Assessing the Opportunity
Backgrounding is the growing of steers & heifers from weaning until they enter the feedlot. Visit our site to learn more about backgrouding calves.
Brooding and Rearing Ducklings and Goslings
Goslings and ducklings can be brooded by broody chicken hens and most breeds of ducks and geese. Learn about brooder types, temperature, housing, feeding, watering, pasturing and fencing in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Household Hazardous Products
A household hazardous product is one whose use or disposal poses a threat to human health or the environment. Hazardous products should not be put in the trash, down the drain, into storm drains or burned unless you are instructed to do so by local waste authorities.
Buying a Packaged Farm Building
Hot Weather Livestock Stress
During periods of high temperatures and humidity, livestock losses can occur from hot weather stress.
Orchardgrass is a productive cool-season grass that responds to good fertility and management practices by producing up to 4 tons of high quality forage per acre. Learn how to establish and manage a stand of orchardgrass in this MU Extension guide.
Alfalfa is the most productive legume for Missouri. Visit our website today to learn more about Alfalfa.
Selecting Wire Fencing Materials
There is an old adage that says "good fences make good neighbors." This is particularly true today in suburban areas ofMissouri where a neighbor's cow or horse is seldom welcome in nearby lawns or gardens. The most economical solution is a wire fence capable of containing your livestock.
Bovine Leukosis
Kitchen Planning: Work Centers
Lelland L. GallupDepartment of Environmental Design
What is meant by work centers or work areas? These are places within the complete kitchen plan where you can readily do a particular task because you have arranged together the necessary:
Replacing Wall Switches and Receptacles
Editor’s note
The PDF version of this publication includes illustrations.
Feeds for Light Horses
Feed ingredients needed for horses are carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, vitamins and water. Carbs, fats and proteins can yield energy. Grains and roughages, including pasture, are major sources of energy and protein. Learn more in this guide.
Qualitative Nitrate Detection for Toxicity Potential
George B. Garner
Department of Biochemistry
This test is designed for survey use and for advising clients of the need for quantitative nitrate analysis when the level of nitrate detected could possibly cause nitrate/nitrite poisoning. The test can be used on water supplies, hay, silage, fodder, pasture samples and mixed ground feeds.
How to Measure Trees and Logs
Selling timber without measuring the products is like selling livestock without weighing the animals. Visit our site to learn how to measure trees and logs.
Using a Microwave Oven to Determine Moisture in Forages
Harvesting and storing forage crops at the proper moisture is necessary to minimize forage losses and to maintain maximum nutritional value. But it is difficult to determine the moisture concentration of forage crops prior to ensiling or baling.
Making and Storing Quality Hay
Properly making and storing hay and greatly reduce dry matter loses. Visit our site to learn about Making and Storing Quality Hay.
Simple Home Repairs: Cracks in Concrete Sidewalks
If you have small cracks in sidewalks that seem to be growing and make your sidewalk dangerous, they can be fixed.
A System for Pond Water Purification
Canola: A Promising Oilseed
Accessory Apartments