Shrub dogwood.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 13


Shrub dogwoods are common in fence lines and along forest edges. Individual plants are rather short (less than 12 feet tall) and somewhat rounded.

Cover art for publication G9485

Techniques for Aging Live Deer


The ability to age live deer is a beneficial skill for all deer hunters and managers. Visit our site to learn Techniques for Aging Live Deer.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 45


Sassafras trees are short to medium-sized. Its leaves have margins of three shapes: entire, one-lobed and three-lobed. The twigs have a yellow-green hue and turn upward at the tips. The dark blackish-blue fruits attach to a long, red, swollen stalk.

False indigo.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 16


False indigo occurs in moist ground in thickets along streams, rocky banks, pond borders and open wet woods. The leaves are pinnately compound. The dense flower clusters are deep purple to blue and produce numerous fruits that mature in late summer.

Slender lespedeza.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 48


Slender lespedeza leaves are divided into three leaflets 1 to 1-1/2 inches long and less than 1/4 inch wide. Stems are upright, up to 3 feet tall. Flowers are pink to purple and occur in clusters toward the top of the plant.

Giant ragweed.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 19


Giant ragweed attains a considerable height, often in excess of 7 feet. Its leaves are three-lobed (sometimes five-lobed), and its stems may be 3/4 inch or more in diameter at the plant base.

Cover art for publication G9491

Managing for White-tailed Deer in Missouri: Setting and Accomplishing Management Goals


White-tailed deer management

This deer conservation guide is one in a series developed jointly by MU Extension and the Missouri Department of Conservation.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 51


Sunflowers exhibit a variety of characteristics, but most of the commonly encountered species have triangular to lanceolate leaves, rough leaf surfaces and conspicuous yellow flowers.

Greenbrier stem.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 22


Greenbriers grow as stout vines, climbing with the aid of tendrils that arise in pairs at the base of leaf stalks. The flowers are small and green and grow in clusters of 5 to 26 flowers on long stalks.

Cover art for publication MP903

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest


Learn how to identify plants important to bobwhites in the Midwest so that you can critically evaluate the food and cover components of habitat on your land.

Timothy seed heads.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 54


Timothy is a cool-season bunch grass. By late spring it can be readily identified by the blue-green, cylindrical seed head resembling a small cattail. It has an elongated ligule at the base of the leaf, with a notch on each side.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 25


Huckleberries are stiffly branched leafy shrubs or small trees, often found in extensive colonies, from 6 inches to 10 feet tall. The alternate, simple leaves are 3/4 to 3 inches long and 1/2 to 1 inch wide. The fruits are blue to black berries with a faint whitish coating.

Wild bean seed pod and flower.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 57


Three species of wild bean occur in the Midwest. Each is a somewhat small plant with twining vines and relatively small leaves composed of three leaflets. Seeds are present in hairy pods.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 28


Jewelweed commonly reaches 18-24 inches. Leaves have scalloped edges and fleshy stems that exude a clear, watery gel-like liquid when crushed. Flowers are orange (I. capensis) or pale yellow (I. pallida).

Little bluestem.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 31


Little bluestem is a native grass that occurs in clumps with fine leaves less than 1/4 inch wide. Seed stalks are commonly 2 to 3 feet tall. Stems are hairy and flattened near the base. Seeds are light and fluffy.

Simple leaf with parts labeled.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 02


Refer to this glossary for definitions of words and phrases related to plants.

Orchard grass.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 34


Orchard grass is a cool-season bunch grass. Its leaves have a bluish cast. Close inspection of the leaf collar reveals a flattened shape and membranous ligule. Its rather distinctive seed heads form by late May. Height at maturity averages 3 feet.


Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 05


Barnyardgrass is most often found growing in moist areas. The large seeds of this grass make it an important food source for bobwhites.

Cover art for publication CM109

Developing Effective Communications


Reviewed by Katherine Foran
Extension Communications and Marketing

Dick Lee
Extension and Agricultural Information

Most Americans probably do not appreciate the importance of communication in their personal and workday lives. Hopefully, those of us in extension work recognize the importance of good, effective communications.

Partridge pea.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 37


Partridge pea grows from 12 to 18 inches up to 3 feet tall. It has compound, alternate leaves. Leaflets are less than 1 inch long. Flowers are bright yellow with reddish-purple bases, about 1 inch across. Ripened seedpods are red-brown.

Big bluestem stalks.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 08


Mature seed stalks of big bluestem are copper colored and often grow more than 5 feet tall. The clumpy growth of big bluestem allows room for other plants to exist and provides excellent habitat structure for nesting and roosting

Cover art for publication CM360

Writing Columns


Before writing a column, think about purpose, audience, content and structure. Visit our website today to learn more about writing columns.

Poison ivy.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 40


Poison ivy is a vine that can grow up to 60 feet high or a low, upright shrub. It has alternate leaves with three oval to lance-shaped leaflets with a pointed tip.The flowers are greenish white and grow in clusters 1 to 4 inches long on new growth of stems.

Crab grass.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 11


Often found in disturbed areas, crab grass tends to indicate early successional vegetation, and thus good quail habitat. However, late spring disturbance may result in a crab grass response heavy enough to displace other beneficial or desired plants.

Common ragweed.

Quail-Friendly Plants of the Midwest, Page 43


Common ragweed commonly grows to 18 inches. Leaves are simple, alternate, smooth and deeply lobed. Often the lobes are lobed again.

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