Emma K walnut.

Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars, Page 11


Emma K walnut average date of budbreak, flower type, bloom period, pollination date, season length, harvest date, and more.

Ledger, calculator, pen and stack of coins.

Missouri Farm Tax Record: Part 1, Cash Paid-Cash Received

Reviewed $10

Farmers can use this simple Missouri farm tax recordkeeping system if they track yearly income and expenses for their agricultural operations on a cash basis.

Wiard walnut.

Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars, Page 46


Wiard walnut average date of budbreak, flower type, bloom period, pollination date, season length, harvest date, and more.

Hare walnut.

Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars, Page 14


Hare walnut average date of budbreak, flower type, bloom period, pollination date, season length, harvest date, and more.

Higbee Mill walnut.

Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars, Page 17


Higbee Mill walnut average date of budbreak, flower type, bloom period, pollination date, season length, harvest date, and more.

Kwik Krop walnut.

Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars, Page 20


Kwik Krop walnut average date of budbreak, flower type, bloom period, pollination date, season length, harvest date, and more.

Cover art for publication AF1021

Growing and Marketing Pawpaw in Missouri


Learn how to establish and maintain the North American Pawpaw, a relatively common but little-known tree native to Missouri.

Cover art for publication AF1002

Growing Pecans in Missouri


Pecan is a large, beautiful tree that produces bountiful crops of delicious nuts. Visit our site to learn about Growing Pecans in Missouri.

Cover art for publication G9472

Converting Unused Agriculture Facilities for Aquaculture Use: Swine Barn Conversion for Fish Culture


This guide provides basic information on recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) technology and converting a swine barn into an aquaculture enterprise.

Cover art for publication SMN302d

Hunger Cues Poster

Revised $10

Use this poster as an aid to help students understand body cues of hunger and fullness.

Cover art for publication SMN302b

Broccoli Poster

Revised $10

Learn nutritional facts about broccoli and which nutrients to get more or less of in the diet.

Cover art for publication MX99

Distributed Energy Resources: A Primer for Missouri Farmers


Major changes are occurring in how electricity is generated, distributed and used. Learn about this transition from centralized energy generation towards distributed energy generation and the potential impacts it will have for rural landowners.

Cover art for publication N2051

Eat Smart in Parks Toolkit


Editor's note
To order a printed copy of the Eat Smart in Parks toolkit, contact Jollyn Tyryfter.

Cover art for publication M181-16

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 16


Eastern gamagrass is a hardy warm-season grass ideal for wetter soils. It provides nutritious forage for grazing, hay, and silage.

Cover art for publication N359

Make your plate a healthy plate


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Cover art for publication N357

Pack a snack box


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Cover art for publication N360

Food Thermometers


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Cover art for publication N358

Storing foods at home


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Cover art for publication N356

No time to cook


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Cover art for publication SMN100

Show Me Nutrition Curriculum


Teach youths, preschool to junior high, about healthy lifestyles and behaviors that promote healthy weight with this curriculum that supports Missouri’s Show-Me educational standards for health and physical education and Missouri’s School Wellness Policy.

FR36701 publication cover.

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual

New $71 to $85

This manual prepares first responders to take appropriate initial actions at hazardous materials spills or releases and weapons of mass destruction incidents. It provides fire and emergency services personnel with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition.

FR36706 publication cover.

Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Workbook

New $35

This workbook includes more than 900 questions and activities covering all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual. Each item is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic to review in the manual.

FR36146 publication cover.

Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, Third Edition Manual

New $69 to $80

This manual prepares the reader to serve as the incident commander who must evaluate an incident, assign resources and coordinate the incident plan. It encompasses decision-making during emergency response, especially initial decisions upon arrival, and incident planning.

Displaying 976 - 1000 of 2431