Cover art for publication NCR546

Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Exploring the Categories


People who work for you can be employees or independent contractors, and you must correctly classify them to avoid IRS problems. Learn how to classify workers in this guide.

Cover art for publication WM6011

Storm Drains and Water Quality


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

Cover art for publication G9176

Fertilizer Management for No-Till Corn and Grain Sorghum in Missouri


Harry C. Minor and John Stecker
Department of Agronomy

J.R. Brown
School of Natural Resources

No-till farming will help preserve Missouri's erodible cropland. This publication should answer many of the questions facing crop producers and fertilizer suppliers regarding nutrient management in a continuous no-till production system.

Cover art for publication MX331

Private Applicator Pesticide Training Study Guide


Editor's note
To be used in conjunction with Missouri Core Manual M87, Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual

Fred Fishel
Integrated Pest Management

Cover art for publication G1650

Conservation Tillage and Residue Management to Reduce Soil Erosion


John R. McCarthy
Natural Resources Conservation Service

Donald L. Pfost and H. David Currence
Department of Agricultural Engineering

Cover art for publication WQ306

Storage Tanks for Liquid Dairy Waste


Charles D. Fulhage and Donald L. Pfost
Department of Agricultural Engineering


Nitrogen Management for No-Tillage Systems in Missouri


John A. Stecker
Department of Agronomy

Extension logo

Safe Storage and Handling of Grain


Storage and handling of large volumes of grain on Missouri farms is common. Increased storage capacities, larger and faster handling capacities and automation contribute to many potentially hazardous situations during the harvest and storage season. This guide sheet identifies many of them and suggests preventive measures that control or eliminate the hazardous exposure.

Cover art for publication G3150

Forages for Cattle: New Methods of Determining Energy Content and Evaluating Heat Damage


Ronald L. Belyea and Rex E. Ricketts
Department of Animal Sciences

Improved system of forage analysis

The crude fiber method of feed analysis has been used for more than 100 years. Although this method was an important first attempt at determining the energy content of feeds, it has a number of shortcomings.

Cover art for publication GH5669

Kitchen Planning: Work Centers


Marilyn W. Caselman
Department of Consumer and Family Economics

Lelland L. Gallup
Department of Environmental Design

What is meant by work centers or work areas? These are places within the complete kitchen plan where you can readily do a particular task because you have arranged together the necessary:

Cover art for publication WM6003

Household Hazardous Products


Marie Steinwachs
Office of Waste Management

A household hazardous product is one whose use or disposal poses a threat to human health or the environment. Hazardous products should not be put in the trash, down the drain, into storm drains or burned unless you are instructed to do so by local waste authorities.

Extension logo

A System for Pond Water Purification


Ralph Ricketts
Department of Agricultural Engineering

G. B. Garner
Department of Agricultural Chemistry

Fred Meinershagen
Department of Animal Sciences

In Cooperation with the Missouri Division of Health


Qualitative Nitrate Detection for Toxicity Potential


George B. Garner
Department of Biochemistry

This test is designed for survey use and for advising clients of the need for quantitative nitrate analysis when the level of nitrate detected could possibly cause nitrate/nitrite poisoning. The test can be used on water supplies, hay, silage, fodder, pasture samples and mixed ground feeds.

Extension logo

Beef Carcass Grading and Evaluation


David R. Jones and William C. Stringer
Food Science and Nutrition Department


Feeding Dairy Cattle for Proper Body Condition Score


Richard J. Grant and Jeffrey F. Keown
Extension Dairy Specialists, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Simple Home Repairs: Cracks in Concrete Sidewalks


Patricia Klobe
Department of Environmental Design

If you have small cracks in sidewalks that seem to be growing and make your sidewalk dangerous, they can be fixed.

Cover art for publication DM7005

The Planning Process and People


James B. Cook and John A. Croll
Department of Community Development


Unsoundness and Blemishes of Horses: Head, Body, Respiratory Tract and Stable Vices


Melvin Bradley
Department of Animal Sciences

Any defect that affects serviceability is considered an unsoundness. A defect that detracts from appearance but does not impair serviceability is considered a blemish.

Man wearing a respirator while spraying trees.

How to Protect Yourself From Respiratory Hazards


David E. Baker, Brooke Ballenger and Rusty Lee
Department of Agricultural Engineering


Sunflower: An American Native


Robert L. Myers and Harry C. Minor
Department of Agronomy

Cover art for publication GG14

Accessory Apartments


Leo L. Cram
Missouri Gerontology Institute

Extension logo

Choosing Terrace Systems


Terraces are one way to control soil erosion. Visit our site to learn about Choosing Terrace Systems.


Raising Calves on Stored Colostrum


Fred Meinershagen, emeritus
Department of Animal Sciences

Reviewed by Rex Ricketts and Barry Steevens
Department of Animal Sciences

Cover art for publication GH5981

Heating System Maintenance


Your browser does not support the video tag.Marilyn W. Caselman


Displaced Abomasum


David Weaver and Bonnard Moseley
College of Veterinary Medicine

The abomasum is the fourth, or "true," stomach in the cow. It normally lies low down in the right front quadrant of the abdomen, just inside the seventh through 11th ribs (Figure 1). Adjacent to the abomasum, on the left side of the abdomen, is the large first stomach, or rumen (Figure 2).

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