Independent Contractor vs. Employee: Exploring the Categories
People who work for you can be employees or independent contractors, and you must correctly classify them to avoid IRS problems. Learn how to classify workers in this guide.
Fertilizer Management for No-Till Corn and Grain Sorghum in Missouri
No-till farming will help preserve Missouri's erodible cropland. This publication should answer many of the questions facing crop producers and fertilizer suppliers regarding nutrient management in a continuous no-till production system.
Private Applicator Pesticide Training Study Guide
Editor's note
To be used in conjunction with Missouri Core Manual M87, Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual
Storage Tanks for Liquid Dairy Waste
Safe Storage and Handling of Grain
Storage and handling of large volumes of grain on Missouri farms is common. Increased storage capacities, larger and faster handling capacities and automation contribute to many potentially hazardous situations during the harvest and storage season. This guide sheet identifies many of them and suggests preventive measures that control or eliminate the hazardous exposure.
Raising Calves on Stored Colostrum
The Bluegrasses
Design Criteria for Canopy and Hood Inlet Spillways
These criteria apply to the design of canopy and hood inlet spillways used as the principal spillway for ponds, irrigation reservoirs, and stabilization structures.
The canopy or hood inlet spillway usually is used in conjunction with an emergency spillway.
White, Ladino and Sweet Clover
White and ladino cloverWhite clover is a stoloniferous plant with a shallow root system. The primary stems of white clover usually die before the second year, and the life of the plant depends upon the stolons and their haphazard roots.
Drilled Soybeans in Missouri
Design Criteria for Debris Basins
Tall Fescue
Tall Fescue is one of the more drought-resistant field plants grown in Missouri. Visit our website today to learn more.
Pre-Bit Hackamore Training
Hackamores are used to start colts in training. An untrained colt makes many mistakes, and the trainer needs to correct them. A hackamore doesn't injure sensitive tissue in the colt's mouth, yet it provides firm, safe control.
Analyzing Cropping Systems
Renovating Grass Sods With Legumes
Many Missouri pastures have adequate grass stands, but they need legumes. If the soil is capable of growing them, legumes should be established in grass sods. Establishing clovers is cheaper than topdressing the grass with nitrogen.
Soil Compaction: The Silent Thief
Backgrounding Calves Part 1: Assessing the Opportunity
Backgrounding is the growing of steers & heifers from weaning until they enter the feedlot. Visit our site to learn more about backgrouding calves.