Say bah 'hum-bug' to uninvited tree pests
COLUMBIA, Mo. – You want folks to “ooh” and “aah” when they see your holiday decorations, not “eww” and “ugh!” “There is a risk that fresh trees and garland will bring unwanted gifts – insects – when moved from nature to inside,” says University of Missouri Extension urban entomologist Emily Althoff. “While many insects can be beneficial, they may not be ‘tree-mendous’ in our homes.”

MU, MDC offer free testing for oak diseases
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension’s Plant Diagnostic Clinic, in partnership with the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), will offer free testing for all common oak tree diseases in 2024.

Lingering effects of recent cicada emergence
The cicada symphony may be coming to an end, but the effects of the performers are becoming apparent. Calls and emails are beginning to come into University of Missouri Extension offices from homeowners reporting the ends of many tree branches are turning brown and dropping off. “In the past few days I have answered more than a dozen inquiries related to cicada damage,” said Hank Stelzer, MU Extension’s forestry state specialist.

Prune oak trees this winter to avoid oak wilt
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The leaves are down, winter is upon us, and that means it’s prime time for pruning oak trees, which can be infected by the oak wilt fungus if they’re pruned during the high-risk period mid-March through mid-July.

No reports of spotted lanternfly in Missouri but vigilance urged
COLUMBIA, Mo. – While not yet detected in Missouri, spotted lanternfly remains a concern for vineyards, certain trees and specialty crops as it continues to spread west. If spotted lanternfly (SLF) reaches Missouri, early detection and insecticide control measures will be key to reducing the economic damage, says Dean Volenberg, viticulture extension professor with the University of Missouri Grape and Wine Institute.

Check ash trees for emerald ash borer
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The invasive emerald ash borer may eliminate the ash tree from North America. In Missouri, EAB is present in 89 counties and the city of St. Louis.“Just like the Dutch elm disease that killed our native American elm trees, EAB is capable of eliminating all ash trees from our forests and cities,” says University of Missouri Extension entomologist Kevin Rice. “This makes it one of the most serious threats now facing North…