Grazing Wedge

Missouri Grazing Wedge

Grazing Wedge

The Missouri Grazing Wedge is a tool used in livestock management to help optimize grazing patterns and improve pasture health. It's a visual graph that depicts the average forage biomass (pounds per acre). It also shows the relationship between pasture cover, forage growth rate, and livestock demand. By monitoring these factors, farmers and ranchers can adjust the size and timing of grazing areas to maintain healthy and sustainable pasture conditions. The Missouri Grazing Wedge was developed by the University of Missouri Extension to assist producers regularly monitor their pastures, determine forage growth rates and livestock demand. The wedge will give insight to order of paddocks to be grazed as well as adjust the area to be grazed to optimize utilization.

The Missouri Grazing Wedge is an important tool for livestock management and sustainable agriculture. It helps farmers and ranchers to plan grazing strategies that help maintain healthy and sustainable pastures. Optimizing grazing patterns can increase the productivity and profitability of livestock operations. By using the grazing wedge to plan grazing strategies, farmers and ranchers can reduce feed costs by growing more forage, improve herd performance, and increase overall profitability.

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