Just as 4-H goes beyond our doorstep and your county line, it also goes beyond our nation's border.

4-H Global Education contributes to understanding people of the world through hosting, travel experience, project, and activity enrollment for individuals and clubs. Global Education provides insight into the world for 4-H families in whatever area they choose to participate.

Global experiences collage

4-H members have the opportunity to participate in global education in a variety of ways. They can host an exchange student, participate in the global education project, or even take a trip to another country over the summer. The experiences that a member can get from global education are ones that will last them forever, and give them an insight into the different cultures around the world.

For more information, please contact the coordinator, Joyce Taylor.

Hosting and exchanges

4-H Academic Year Long Host Family

  • Serve as a host family for students who will be enrolled as a junior or senior in the local high school
  • Student will arrive in August with departure in May/June
  • Applications are due by Dec. 1

Japanese short-term host family

  • Opportunity to serve as a host family for a youth from Japan for four-weeks
  • Youth will be with the host family from mid-July to mid-August
  • Opportunity to serve as host for two weeks for the adult chaperone who accompanies the youth delegates
  • Applications are due by March 1


If you would like to be a host family, please fill out the application on the official exchange website. If you would like a hard-copy version of the application, please contact Joyce Taylor for more information.

This year, applications will be done through an online process. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Read the information on the flyers for the countries available for deadlines, costs, dates, etc.
    View resources
  • Follow these application instructions (PDF).
  • After the application is complete, contact Joyce Taylor for additional forms that Missouri requires for scholarships, etc.

The Missouri deadline is NOV. 1.

Program Dates Age range
Argentina June 20–July 15 15–18
Costa Rica June 20–July 19 15–18
Japan 4-week July 10–Aug. 9 12–18
Japan 8-week June 12–Aug. 9 15–18
Norway June 20–July 20 15–18
South Korea July 16–Aug. 15 12–17
Taiwan July 16–Aug. 15 12–18