Dates: July 14-16, 2024
Fees: $100 for Missouri 4-H members, $130 for non-MO 4-H members
Deadline to register July 5
For youth ages 10-18
Missouri Dairy Judging Camp is an exciting event spon-sored by University of Missouri Extension. Extension staff, along with former 4-H and collegiate judging team members will provide educational seminars. Participants will be guided through the basics and finer points of judging dairy cattle, with particular emphasis placed on oral reasons. Youth will work in small groups receiving individual assistance. The camp is open to all youth ages 10-18 interested in learning more about dairy judging. Camp will be filled on a first come, first serve basis, with a maximum enrollment of 20.
This year’s camp will take place in Southwest Missouri. Lodging will be at Quality Inn, 1125 E Daniel Drive, Mount Vernon, MO 65712, and is included in the camp fee. Three to four campers will be placed in each room based upon age and gender. If you require other accommodations, please contact Karla Deaver at 417-466-3102.

Please see flyer for registration details.
Registration & information flyer
MO 4-H Dairy Judging Camp is sponsored by:
Ballenger Proplane
Corteva Agriscience
FCS Financial
MFA Foundation
Missouri Assoc. of Meat Processors
MO Farm Bureau Federation
MO Holstein Association
MO Soybean Association
National 4-H Council
Safety National
Eunice Campbell
Dr. Bud Hertzog