The Missouri 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest is a qualifying contest for the National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Contest by the Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc. The first-place winner of the Missouri contest will be entered into the national contest. The first-place winner in each age division in the Missouri essay contest will receive a prize.
2025 essay topic
The Importance of Youth in Beekeeping: How 4-H members can make a difference!
- Why are youth important in beekeeping?
- How can 4-H members make a difference?
- How can more young people get involved in beekeeping?
- What are your future plans as a beekeeper?
- What is a major contribution a young beekeeper has brought to the industry?
- Must be a current 4-H member.
- Members who placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in previous years at the national level are NOT eligible for 2025 prizes.
- State contest winners remain eligible to win in their age division in the state competition. Essays entered must encompass the designated topic only. There will be no exceptions.
Essay requirements
- Essays must be typewritten or computer-generated on single-sided pages and formatted following standard manuscript format using double-spaced type and 12pt font in a legible font face.
- Essays must encompass the designated topic in 750 to 1,000 words. Word count does not include sources, works cited or the writer’s biographical statement.
- All factual statements and interview references must be cited in a "sources" or "bibliography."
- Essays will be judged on (a) scope of research, 40%; (b) accuracy, 30%; (c) creativity, 10%; (d) conciseness, 10%; and (e) logical development of the topic, 10%.
- On a separate page, please include a brief biographical statement of the writer including mailing address, email address and phone number.
The deadline for submission is April 28, 2025.
National winners will be announced on June 15, 2025.
National awards
Three cash prizes will be awarded in the 2025 National 4-H Beekeeping Essay Competition. The author of the highest-scoring essay will win first prize. The author of the second-highest scoring essay will win second prize. The author of the third-highest scoring essay will win third prize.
- First Prize: $750
- Second Prize: $500
- Third Prize: $250
The three prize-winning essays will be published in ABF Quarterly, the magazine of the American Beekeeping Federation. All authors of essays submitted to the national competition will receive a relevant book on honeybees, beekeeping or honey.
Essays should be emailed to Jillian Gerlach at or James Sappington at by the April 28 deadline. Questions may be emailed to the same.