
MMP and 4-H Logo

The Marshall Mentor Program helps youth understand the importance of empathy, strength, courage, perseverance, kindness, and forgiveness and challenges them to put these traits into action. The program utilizes high school teen mentors to deliver Marshall the Miracle Dog's cornerstone messages. By supporting their younger peers, the mentors are developing as future leaders in their communities.

Mentors will develop and strengthen their leadership skills through mentor training and program implementation as they assist younger peers in developing an understanding of the five cornerstones of the Marshall Mentor Program.

Mentors are likely to experience other positive developmental outcomes as a result of delivering the Marshall Mentor Program to younger peers. They are likely to demonstrate growth in important career- related life skills such as:

Leadership Problem Solving Goal Setting
Team Building Public Speaking Responsibility
Role Modeling Self-confidence Tolerance
Achievement Sense of contributing New relationships


Curriculum and educational materials for the Marshall Mentor Program can be found at the 4-H mall.


Take a peek at how Marshall the Miracle Dog is teaming up with 4-H!

Marshall the Miracle Dog's Story

Marshall the Miracle Dog book cover

Marshall the Miracle Dog was found in 2010 while being filmed by Animal Planet's Confessions: Animal Hoarding. More than 60 dogs were found living on the grounds of an abandoned property. At the time of his rescue, Marshall was in the worst shape of all – he had been attacked by other dogs (most likely over a lack of food), resulting in bite marks all over his body, a broken front leg, and a hole the size of a tennis ball on the side of his face.

Marshall's Miracle movie poster'

The Humane Society of Missouri immediately came to all of the dogs' rescue. Because Marshall was so badly injured, he could not be put up for adoption right away. During his surgery, Marshall died on the operating table but was resuscitated by Dr. Schwartz. The doctor and his medical team sewed up Marshall's face and amputated his badly infected front leg.

After a few months, Marshall was ready to be adopted, and he went to his Forever Home with Cyndi Willenbrock. Now, Marshall knows he has a job to do – and that job is to give back. Marshall and Cyndi have visited more than 200,000 students in over 550 schools across the country to share his story of courage and the will to overcome abuse and neglect. Marshall has inspired a children's book, an educational curriculum, a Girl Scout patch, and now a feature film.

See more of Marshall the Miracle Dog's story:

The 4-H Marshall Mentor Program is intended for but certainly not limited to these student participant age groups: upper elementary (4th-5th) and middle school (6th-8th). The MMP is also not limited to a high school age mentor delivering the program as in many cases an adult will need to be the facilitator.

The MMP has a wide range of audiences who will benefit:

  • Use school enrichment classroom time delivered by 4-H leader, 4-H Youth Specialist, or 4-H Agent
  • After School Youth Programs i.e. 4-H, Scouting programs, boys and girls clubs, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, YMCA
  • Used to fulfill high school seniors' practicum/service learning project requirements or community service requirement for the A+ program for high school students
  • Prisons/Juvenile Detention Centers i.e. through 4-H LIFE, Children with Incarcerated Parents Programs or Puppies for Parole
  • Use in schools as bullying prevention program delivered by high school students in the district or teacher/counselor
  • 4-H Military Youth and Family program
  • Camp settings, i.e. 4-H camp, summer camps or camp counselor training
  • Character Club school training

The Marshall Mentor Training is a comprehensive web-based (virtual) training to ensure the successful delivery of the Marshall Mentor Program (MMP) in communities across the nation. A one-time training fee will include all of the necessary components to bring this important social emotional curriculum to your area.

During the 2-3-hour training session, topics covered will include: Marshall's Story/5 Cornerstones; Identifying and Engaging Mentors; Mentor Expectations and Program Planning; Experiential Learning; Ages and Stages; MMP Rubric and Pre/Post Surveys and more.

This one-time fee includes:

  • Live 2-3 hour webinar training with a 4-H approved Trainer
  • 1 Mentor Training Manual (55 Pages)
  • 1 MMP CD. This CD includes a video of the real life Marshall to introduce participants to the inspiration behind the curriculum as well as short videos to be used each week to introduce the cornerstone for that week's MMP session
  • 1 Copy of Marshall the Miracle Dog, hard cover book

Live Webinar Training Options

  • Online training (2-3 hours)
    • Individual—$345*
    • 2 - 5 participants—$295/per participant*
    • 6 - 20 participants—$230/per participant*
    • 21 – 40 participants—$195/per participant*
    • *An additional nominal fee will be charged for the shipment of the materials.

Other Options

  • Face-to-face training
    • Unlimited participants
    • Above prices plus additional fees for mileage and travel
  • Marshall Site Visit/Presentation
    • Presentation by Cyndi and appearance by Marshall
    • $500/day (plus fees for travel if outside of St. Louis)
  • Additional copies of Marshall the Miracle Dog Hardcover book can be ordered for $20 plus shipping.
  • The Marshall Mentor Program Deck of Kindness is also available for $12 plus shipping.
  • Extra curriculum and educational materials can be found at the Shop 4-H.

To set up training or get more informaiton please contact Amanda Meek.