Do fungicides pay off in soybean?

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Fungicides can be an essential part of an integrated pest management plan, but they do not always provide a positive return on investment for soybean producers, according to University of Missouri strip trial research.

Red crown rot: No cure for this soybean disease

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Once red crown rot spreads, you cannot unspread it, says University of Missouri Extension state plant pathologist Mandy Bish. Currently, soybean and disease specialists know of no cure for red crown rot, which can reduce yields by an estimated 80% in severe cases. Seed treatments may reduce symptoms and infection, but these treatments cannot eliminate the fungus, which persists in the soil.

Early appearance of alfalfa weevils prompts need to scout

JACKSON, Mo. – The warmer weather has prompted alfalfa weevil larvae to start feeding early, which means growers should be scouting the crop. Anthony Ohmes, University of Missouri Extension agronomy field specialist, says now through April is the time to walk alfalfa fields to look for larvae activity.

Test for soybean cyst nematode this fall

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Oct. 2 is National Nematode Day and marks a good time to test fields for soybean cyst nematode (SCN), the No. 1 pathogen of soybean in the United States.“We anticipate the highest SCN levels to occur at the end of the season. Identifying problematic areas this fall can help with 2024 planting decisions,” said Mandy Bish, University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist and director of the SCN Diagnostics clinic.

Soybean Cyst Nematode: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) can substantially reduce yield, but it is not always obvious when the nematodes (Figure 1) are present. Leonardo Da Vinci's quote: "We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot" seems somewhat appropriate when discussing SCN levels in the soil.

Top 3 emerging disease issues going into 2022

#1 Tar spot of cornWho: Tar spot of corn, Phyllachora maydis

Control of Fusarium Head Blight (or Scab) in Wheat

Wheat in southeast Missouri is near or at flowering, which suggest that wheat in many other regions of the state is roughly 1 to 2 weeks away. Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) (Figure 1) is a disease that can cause yield loss, reduced test weights, and reduced seed quality in wheat. The fungus that causes FHB, Fusarium graminearum, infects wheat from flowering to early grain fill stages and can also result in production of the mycotoxin…

Free SCN tests available to farmers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri farmers can submit two free tests to beat the soybean cyst nematode (SCN) by contacting their county University of Missouri Extension center or the SCN Diagnostics laboratory.

SDS appearing in Missouri soybean fields

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension agronomists reported during their weekly teleconference that sudden death syndrome (SDS) is showing up in soybean fields across the state. MU Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette says she is not surprised that the yield-robbing disease has reared its ugly head.

Scout for two emerging corn diseases in Midwest

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri corn growers should scout for two emerging corn diseases: bacterial leaf streak (BLS) and tar spot, says University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette. These diseases appeared for the first time in Missouri in 2019. They have caused severe economic losses in surrounding states. Bissonnette offers facts and tips for growers to monitor their spread. Bacterial leaf streak

Cold start to April delays crops

COLUMBIA, Mo. – April’s cold start in Missouri has limited fieldwork and delayed planting for farmers and gardeners. The persistent cold “was nothing short of amazing,” said University of Missouri Extension climatologist Pat Guinan.

MU plant pathologist gives update on emerging crop diseases

PALMYRA, Mo. – New University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette urges growers to notify her if they spot southern rust and other diseases this growing season. She gave growers a look at emerging diseases at the second annual NEMO Soils and Crop Conference in Palmyra Feb. 8.

New MU plant pathologist talks seed treatments and SCN

COLUMBIA, Mo. – New University of Missouri Extension plant pathologist Kaitlyn Bissonnette brings research on soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management to Missouri.SCN numbers are growing in Missouri as farmers devote more acres to soybean production. SCN infests about 75 percent of Missouri fields, according to a recent survey by MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources researcher Melissa Mitchum. Many of these fields have…