MU Extension offers tips on safely handling livestock

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Good livestock handling practices can improve animal comfort and make livestock management safer for people and animals, says University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Brenda Schreck. Accidents happen most often during common activities such as feeding, handling, loading and transporting. Schreck says animal behavior specialist Temple Grandin teaches that it is important to understand the behavioral…

How-to guide for buying a horse

Have you always wanted a horse but don’t know where to start? An updated University of Missouri Extension publication offers guidance. “Buying a Horse” is available for free download at “Purchasing a horse should be well planned and carefully thought out,” said Shawn Deering, MU Extension livestock specialist. For most people, a horse is a significant investment and should not be rushed.

Working with horses helps cancer survivors

COLUMBIA, Mo. - Therapists and counselors have used equine-assisted therapy to help people with learning, physical and behavioral problems. Now it's being used to help cancer survivors cope with the challenges and fears they face after treatment.

Wear a helmet when horseback riding

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Horse trainer Zane Volkmann calls his riding helmet an “anti-watermelon cracker.” Volkmann, who suffered a brain injury two years ago while riding, spent part of his summer college-related internship encouraging horseback riders to wear a helmet. His most recent appearance was at a safety expo sponsored in part by University of Missouri Extension. He also talked about helmet protection in the agriculture safety booth…