MU Extension releases enterprise budgets for 2025
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has released its latest crop and livestock enterprise budgets tailored to help Missouri farmers and ranchers plan for a productive 2025. MU Extension specialists have updated 38 budgets for farmers working with row crops, beef, swine, dairy, sheep, goats, forages and more. Region-specific budgets have also been developed for southeastern Missouri crops like cotton, peanuts and rice.
Glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth found in Missouri Bootheel
PORTAGEVILLE, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension researchers have confirmed the first case of glufosinate-resistant Palmer amaranth in Missouri’s Bootheel region.Palmer amaranth has been MU Extension weed scientist Kevin Bradley’s No. 1 weed to watch in the rest of the state for years.Palmer amaranth spreads and adapts quickly to herbicides. When it goes to seed, the weed is a superstar, producing as many as 1 million seeds per…
MU Soil and Plant Testing Lab still open and serving Missouri agriculture
COLUMBIA, Mo. – For now, the University of Missouri Soil and Plant Testing Laboratory remains open. “We understand the essential role the lab plays in supporting Missouri's agricultural industry,” said Robert Kallenbach, MU Extension senior program director for agriculture and environment. “If we can continue to operate safely, the MU Soil Testing Laboratory in Columbia will continue to accept samples.”