Vazquez Commercial Contracting, LLC – Kansas City

(This story originally ran in 2013) Joe Vazquez, president and CEO of Vazquez Commercial Contracting, LLC, wasn’t thinking about construction.

Midland GIS Solutions, LLC, Midland Surveying, Inc. – Maryville, St. Joseph

Midland GIS Solutions, LLC, Maryville, and Midland Surveying, Inc., with offices in Maryville and St. Joseph, are two separate companies.

Hannibal Machine Inc. — Hannibal

Harold Haycraft, founder of Hannibal Machine Inc., remembers the date clearly: Aug. 6, 1968.

Veterans first!

Veterans on the deck of the U.S.S. Missouri. If you are a veteran with a business, do you have veteran certification from the state of Missouri and U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)?

SBA HUBZone Program

In 1997, Missouri Senator Christopher Bond created legislation authorizing businesses in low income and/or high unemployment areas to compete more effectively for government contracts.

New DoD cybersecurity regulations

On Dec. 31, 2017, the Department of Defense (DoD) established new cybersecurity regulations for contractors. Contractors must meet these new standards, or risk losing DoD contracts. In general, contractors must assess their information systems, develop a security plan and create an action plan to deal with cyber threats. These security controls must be implemented at both the contractor and subcontractor levels. In particular, the…

Government procurement FAQs

Are there rules to follow in doing business with the government? The government spends billions of dollars each year purchasing products and services, some of which your company may be able to provide. However, doing business with the government can be a cumbersome process.

Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing

MO PTAC staff continually warn clients of companies that engage in deceptive marketing practices by disguising themselves to look like official government websites, then charge businesses for things that are free, such as registration in

Bonding basics

What are bonds and when are they required? According to the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), a bond is a written document between a bidder or contractor (the principal) and a second party (the surety) to ensure fulfillment of the principal’s obligations to a third party (the obligee or government) identified in the bond. If the principal’s obligations are not met, the bond ensures payment, to the extent stipulated, of any loss…

Doing business with the government

When considering target markets for their products and services, many business owners often overlook one with vast potential — local, state and federal governments. Agencies and organizations at all three levels of government buy nearly everything imaginable from food, flowers and fighter jet components to janitorial services, construction and heavy equipment.

Government contracting improves prospects for Brookfield construction firm

BROOKFIELD, Mo. – Her portion of the work is a little piece of a big project, but construction business owner Lois Rodriguez is making the most of it. As president and CEO of Better By Design LLC, Rodriguez is doing her part to make the long-awaited East Locust Creek Reservoir a reality.