November 17th at the Joplin Regional Stockyards
Patrick DavisStockton, Mo.- As cattle producers look to replenish their cattle herd look to the Fall SW MO Show-Me-Select™ (SMS) Replacement Heifer Program Sale on November 17th at Joplin Regional Stockyards. The program will be selling approximately 90 head of spring-calving SMS Certified bred heifers. The breed makeup of these heifers includes Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, SimAngus, Gelbvieh, and Beefmaster.
An SMS heifer is a sound, blemish free heifer that sells as a bred heifer in optimum condition. These heifers follow a research-based heifer development program from weaning to sale day, which promotes optimum management in growth, reproduction, and health. The heifer is bred to a bull whose progeny are likely to be born with ease. The heifer has been pregnancy checked multiple times to provide the most accurate calving date possible. Therefore, as cattle producers rebuild their cowherd consider SMS heifers since their development leads to functional, sound, healthy females that have their first calf with ease and continue to produce in the herd for a long time.
For more information about the Show-Me-Select™ Replacement Heifer Program and sale heifers go to or contact MU Extension Livestock Field Specialists, Patrick Davis at 417-276-3313 or, or Andy McCorkill at 417-345-7551 or, or Elizabeth Picking at (417) 256-2391 or For more information about the sale process, contact the Joplin Regional Stockyards at 417-548-2333.