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    MU Extension natural resources field specialist Sarah Havens, right, helps Franklin County 4-H'er Annabelle Edmonds measure a tree for timber at Wurdack Farm.
    MU Extension natural resources field specialist Sarah Havens, right, helps Franklin County 4-H'er Annabelle Edmonds measure a tree for timber at Wurdack Farm.

    COOK STATION, Mo. – Five Missouri 4-H youths took part in a first-ever primitive camping experience June 16-17 at the University of Missouri’s Wurdack Extension and Engagement Center in Cook Station.

    The campers were Neva Trosper, of Dent County, and Annabelle Edmonds, Connor Briggs, Wyatt Bobo and Evan Haberberger, all of Franklin County.

    The students learned about wilderness first aid, building shelters, fishing and tying flies, cleaning fish, stream health management, campfire cooking, conservation careers and outdoor safety, said MU Extension field specialist in natural resources Sarah Havens, who led a session on forestry skills and tree and plant identification.

    “Our goal for this camp is to build confidence and interest in the outdoors in our 4-H participants,” Havens said. “We hope it is the start of many more natural resources-themed 4-H events at Wurdack.”

    Havens, 4-H specialist Tanner Adkins and Associate Vice Chancellor for Extension and Engagement Chad Higgins collaborated on the program to introduce 4-H students to outdoor skills and Missouri’s natural resources.

    The event was the first 4-H overnight camp at the Wurdack Extension and Engagement Center.

    A donation from the Gateway Chapter of Trout Unlimited helped to make this positive youth development opportunity a reality.

    MU Extension natural resources field specialist Sarah Havens, right, helps Franklin County 4-H'er Annabelle Edmonds measure a tree for timber at Wurdack Farm.
    Dent County 4-H'er Neva Trosper caught a rainbow trout.
    4-H'ers Connor Briggs, left, and Annabelle Edmonds use traditional casting poles fishing in the Wurdack Farm stream.
    Franklin County 4-H’er Wyatt Bobo, left, and 4-H youth specialist Tanner Adkins stock the spring with rainbow trout.
    From left, 4-H youths Neva Trosper and Evan Haberberger with 4-H youth specialist Tanner Adkins, right. Youths built a brace shelter against a tree. Bark was used as shingles on the lower side and small branches with leaves on the top for water proofing.