WeCanPROSPER Resilience Training (WRT) is a research-based training grounded in a long tradition of resilience enhancement science that enables participants to improve personal stress management, clarify their resilience needs, identify relevant supportive resources, and build skills to enhance resilience during their daily routines. Throughout the training, participants are led through the Assess-Prioritize-Plan cycle in their 2.5 hour virtual setting that is facilitated by instructors from University of Missouri, Community Health Engagement & Outreach. 

After registration, participants will receive an email confirmation with instructions on how to access to the pre-session, personal resilience assessment tool to create a Resilience Portfolio, or your own unique collection of personal assets and resources that are used to adapt to adversity in your life (completion of the resilience assessment should take between 10-12 minutes).

Please complete your registration by Thursday, 8/22/24, 8:00pm. This will allow time for all participants to complete the personal resilience assessment tool and generate their individual Resilience Portfolio. Each participant will need to have access to their Resilience Portfolio for full participation in the WRT session on Tuesday, 8/27/2024.

Cost: Free

Contact: Michelle McDowell, mcdowellm@missouri.edu, 573-882-5918

WeCanPROSPER Resilience Training (WRT) is presented in collaboration with the Partnerships in Prevention Science Institute at Iowa State University.

Funding for WeCanPROSPER Resilience Training (WRT) is supported through the Rural Health Safety and Education grant.

Section 502 (i) of Title V of the Rural Development Act of 1972, as amended (7 U.S.C. 2662) provides funds to NIFA to provide grant to foster quality of life in rural communities by providing the essential knowledge necessary for successful programs of rural development, improving coordination among Federal agencies, other levels of government, and institutions and private organizations in rural areas, and developing and disseminating information about rural conditions.